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[{"address":"Hồ Tà Đùng","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14321712068773834,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":11.814020029288553,"longitude":107.92036973158028},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# Road to Ta Dung\n\nTa Dung belongs to Dak Glong district, Dak Nong province, about 45 km from Gia Nghia town. From Ho Chi Minh, you take a car to Gia Nghia then from Gia Nghia along Highway 28 to Di Linh, you can travel by car or rent a motorbike to Ta Dung. On the way, there are many high and winding passes that are quite beautiful, you can stop to enjoy, admire the scenery, take photos, listen to the birdsong among the mountains and forests of the Central Highlands."},{"metadata":{"width":1000,"height":567},"type":"img","version":1,"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FDu6joRKu0KsAgIA40OPr%2F16.jpg?alt=media&token=5cc9725d-28b8-4ada-9cec-93064e3163ef"},{"type":"text","content":"# What is the most beautiful season of Ta Dung Lake?\n\nTa Dung Lake is most beautiful in the storage season from September and lasts until December. At that time, the lake's water is high, clear and the rains also make the trees on the small islands become green. In the middle of the vast sea, the hills stand like small islands created from basalt red soil, looking from afar like warships, you will feel lost in the middle of Ha Long Bay in the highlands. There is nothing more beautiful here with the scene of clouds, rivers, mountains, nature blending together as a background to create a dreamlike picture, misty and blue sky."},{"metadata":{"width":1024,"height":576},"type":"video","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FDu6joRKu0KsAgIA40OPr%2Ft%E1%BA%A3i%20xu%E1%BB%91ng.mp4?alt=media&token=d30bcc19-d7fc-4fc2-b56e-564da90cdf65"}]},{"address":"TopView Tadung Homestay","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14321712068773834,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":11.859414953334765,"longitude":107.92259125000002},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# TopView Tadung Homestay"},{"metadata":{"width":550,"height":351},"type":"img","version":1,"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FDu6joRKu0KsAgIA40OPr%2Fta-dung-topview-homestay.jpg?alt=media&token=f384e2d9-bbe4-4177-ab6b-bda9d475527b"},{"type":"text","content":"Ta Dung Topview Homestay is also known as \"Uncle Dong's house\" because Uncle Dong is the direct owner of this homestay. It is located in Dak Som commune, Dak G'long district, Dak Nong province, 70km from Bao Loc, 170km from Buon Ma Thuot and 280km from Ho Chi Minh City. Visitors can easily travel by motorbike or car to come here. Homestay has also registered to locate on google map, visitors just need to search for the keyword \"Ta Dung Topview Homestay\" and it will immediately display the exact address."},{"metadata":{"width":1000,"height":722},"type":"img","version":1,"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FDu6joRKu0KsAgIA40OPr%2F215279582.jpg?alt=media&token=9b83db28-8ac6-4586-b519-284043c5dbd5"},{"type":"text","content":"Coming to Homestay Ta Dung, visitors will have two options:\n\n + Option 1: Do not stay overnight. Visitors can choose Ta Dung Topview Homestay as a place to rest, eat and above all catch the whole scenery of Ta Dung Lake from this location. The cost is only for food, in addition, there is no additional charge for taking photos. Besides, there is also a swimming pool, visitors only need to rent a swimsuit to be immersed in the cool water and also admire the magnificence of nature surrounding Ta Dung Lake.\n\n+ Option 2: Overnight at Ta Dung Topview Homestay. Currently, the homestay has all 5 rooms and all rooms have a view overlooking Ta Dung lake. Rooms are simply furnished, equally cozy, even in a remote area, the homestay is still fully equipped with basic furniture such as wardrobe, bed, table and chair, air conditioner, fan and private toilet. in room. Another important thing is that the staff always clean the room clean, dedicated service, so the homestay receives many compliments from visitors.\n\n"},{"type":"text","content":"In the morning, guests will enjoy egg sandwiches or nutritious salads from professional chefs here. Most of the food at Ta Dung Topview Homestay is all clean vegetables provided by the very green adjacent vegetable garden, grown entirely by natural methods. Every visitor wishes to own their own such a lush vegetable garden."},{"metadata":{"width":1024,"height":576},"type":"video","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FDu6joRKu0KsAgIA40OPr%2Ft%E1%BA%A3i%20xu%E1%BB%91ng%20(1).mp4?alt=media&token=2cf184da-3e4a-4d7e-bfd4-eba199d88623"}]},{"address":"Thác Liêng Nung","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14321712068773834,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":11.953338853361943,"longitude":107.73314249999999},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# Lieng Nung Waterfall"},{"metadata":{"width":1000,"height":568},"type":"img","version":1,"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FDu6joRKu0KsAgIA40OPr%2Fthac-lieng-nung.jpg?alt=media&token=04310a85-7a71-45cc-ba78-38b8a00f7387"},{"type":"text","content":"Lieng Nung Waterfall is hidden at the foot of the hills, surrounded by majestic forests. Lieng Nung appeared impressively, with the shape of a white silk strip hanging along the cliff, someone must have forgotten it in the middle of the forest. When coming here, follow the trail around the top of the waterfall. You will be captivated by the scenery of the mountains and forests, the sound of birds singing and the echoing roar of the stream flowing down the abyss. The waterfall falls from a height of about 30m, forming a white column of water like a giant rope that is rolling in the middle of thousands. Standing at the foot of the waterfall looking up, people feel that they are playing with, lost in some wild, mysterious place. At the foot of the waterfall is a spacious space, you can rest, relax and have fun under the old trees reaching out like a giant cool umbrella."},{"type":"text","content":"Come here in the dry season, the water at the waterfall will be clear, luckily you will see a rainbow. In the rainy season, the waterfall flows rapidly, the water is cloudy, visitors should be careful not to slip. Around this area, there are M'nong and Ma ethnic villages living with diverse and rich customs and habits for you to experience."}]}]
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Vn Nguyn

Hi, I'm 25 yearsold and I love travel Come see this beautiful world with me

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