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64.996094 92.636719 61.4375 C 95.585938 60.402344 97.011719 58.773438 98.5 55.609375 C 96.855469 58.582031 95.542969 60.078125 92.785156 61 C 93.519531 58.796875 94.035156 56.355469 94.527344 53.480469 C 93.867188 56.398438 93.21875 58.890625 92.335938 61.144531 L 92.328125 61.144531 L 92.332031 61.152344 C 91.496094 63.277344 90.453125 65.191406 88.992188 67.046875 C 87.476562 64.089844 88.761719 62.492188 89.773438 58.703125 C 88.496094 62.480469 87.179688 64.257812 88.703125 67.40625 C 87.945312 68.332031 87.074219 69.25 86.070312 70.171875 C 85.917969 68.949219 85.765625 67.71875 85.632812 66.484375 C 85.378906 64.109375 85.855469 61.847656 86.359375 59.402344 C 88.550781 57.457031 90.648438 55.015625 90.523438 51.625 C 90.441406 54.507812 88.589844 56.785156 86.511719 58.65625 C 86.976562 56.339844 87.40625 53.839844 87.226562 50.914062 C 87.167969 52.464844 86.910156 54.09375 86.582031 55.726562 C 85.648438 54.214844 85.570312 52.886719 86.0625 51.160156 C 85.363281 53.125 85.550781 54.578125 86.5 56.125 C 85.886719 59.058594 85.074219 61.992188 84.796875 64.511719 C 83.847656 63.507812 83.050781 62.523438 82.378906 61.53125 C 81.78125 59.75 81.777344 58.203125 80.777344 55.882812 C 81.296875 57.507812 81.570312 59.046875 81.84375 60.695312 C 80.800781 58.976562 80.089844 57.203125 79.539062 55.234375 C 80.109375 53.523438 79.90625 52.355469 79.320312 50.550781 C 79.765625 52.226562 79.957031 53.382812 79.457031 54.921875 C 79 53.207031 78.65625 51.347656 78.324219 49.242188 C 78.53125 51.242188 78.769531 53.011719 79.105469 54.640625 C 78.53125 53.796875 77.730469 52.886719 77.273438 51.957031 C 77.816406 53.417969 78.753906 54.222656 79.242188 55.273438 C 79.746094 57.460938 80.460938 59.394531 81.582031 61.289062 C 79.363281 60.050781 77.203125 58.820312 75.871094 56.394531 C 77.195312 59.144531 79.363281 60.417969 81.882812 61.78125 C 82.640625 62.980469 83.570312 64.171875 84.71875 65.40625 C 84.695312 65.792969 84.691406 66.167969 84.703125 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81.980469 80.582031 80.082031 C 82.476562 80.386719 84.105469 80.289062 85.355469 80.121094 C 85.464844 84.375 85.007812 89.945312 83.066406 94.546875 Z M 86.839844 94.546875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>
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47.824219 32.054688 47.304688 31.878906 46.816406 31.609375 L 45.375 30.808594 C 45.222656 30.722656 45.058594 30.667969 44.886719 30.644531 C 44.710938 30.621094 44.542969 30.628906 44.371094 30.671875 C 44.203125 30.714844 44.046875 30.785156 43.90625 30.886719 C 43.765625 30.992188 43.644531 31.113281 43.550781 31.261719 L 41.089844 34.933594 C 42.292969 35.496094 43.410156 36.191406 44.445312 37.023438 C 48.195312 35.757812 52.046875 35.128906 56 35.128906 C 59.953125 35.128906 63.804688 35.757812 67.550781 37.023438 C 68.550781 36.234375 69.625 35.566406 70.769531 35.011719 L 67.332031 31.167969 C 67.214844 31.039062 67.078125 30.9375 66.925781 30.859375 C 66.769531 30.78125 66.605469 30.730469 66.433594 30.714844 C 66.261719 30.699219 66.089844 30.710938 65.925781 30.757812 C 65.757812 30.804688 65.605469 30.878906 65.464844 30.980469 Z M 65.464844 30.980469 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="currentColor" d="M 40.929688 38.386719 C 38.835938 37.148438 36.570312 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58.695312 24.398438 58.96875 24.636719 C 59.238281 24.875 59.480469 25.144531 59.6875 25.4375 L 61.632812 28.136719 C 61.851562 28.476562 62.160156 28.667969 62.558594 28.71875 C 62.941406 28.78125 63.285156 28.699219 63.597656 28.46875 C 64.046875 28.128906 64.546875 27.882812 65.089844 27.730469 C 65.636719 27.578125 66.191406 27.527344 66.753906 27.585938 C 67.316406 27.640625 67.847656 27.800781 68.351562 28.058594 C 68.855469 28.316406 69.296875 28.65625 69.671875 29.082031 L 73.957031 33.867188 C 75.15625 33.566406 76.375 33.410156 77.613281 33.398438 L 76.152344 26.492188 C 76.011719 25.882812 75.746094 25.332031 75.359375 24.839844 C 74.972656 24.347656 74.5 23.960938 73.941406 23.679688 C 73.175781 23.273438 72.359375 23.039062 71.496094 22.976562 C 70.632812 22.917969 69.792969 23.035156 68.980469 23.335938 C 68.933594 23.351562 68.761719 23.398438 68.714844 23.414062 C 68.011719 23.671875 67.289062 23.835938 66.546875 23.914062 C 65.804688 23.988281 65.0625 23.972656 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fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="currentColor" d="M 99.835938 68.445312 C 99.632812 67.777344 99.21875 67.285156 98.597656 66.96875 C 98.132812 66.734375 97.710938 66.4375 97.332031 66.082031 C 96.949219 65.730469 96.625 65.328125 96.351562 64.886719 C 96.082031 64.441406 95.878906 63.96875 95.738281 63.464844 C 95.601562 62.964844 95.535156 62.453125 95.539062 61.933594 C 95.542969 61.417969 95.613281 60.910156 95.742188 60.410156 L 97.011719 55.890625 C 97.214844 55.171875 97.121094 54.496094 96.730469 53.863281 C 96.375 53.265625 95.855469 52.894531 95.175781 52.75 L 94.40625 52.59375 C 94.09375 54.984375 93.3125 57.214844 92.066406 59.277344 C 94.5625 64.191406 96.261719 69.367188 97.167969 74.800781 L 99.632812 70.453125 C 99.980469 69.8125 100.046875 69.144531 99.835938 68.445312 Z M 99.835938 68.445312 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="currentColor" d="M 88.882812 59.921875 C 87.765625 57.691406 86.457031 55.582031 84.953125 53.59375 C 83.449219 51.605469 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82.730469 C 94.292969 82.53125 94.492188 82.28125 94.625 81.980469 C 94.757812 81.675781 94.804688 81.363281 94.769531 81.035156 L 94.769531 81.019531 C 94.738281 80.5625 94.707031 80.109375 94.660156 79.652344 C 94.042969 72.691406 92.117188 66.117188 88.882812 59.921875 Z M 89.605469 80.765625 C 89.546875 80.777344 89.488281 80.785156 89.429688 80.78125 C 89.238281 80.78125 89.050781 80.746094 88.871094 80.679688 C 88.691406 80.609375 88.53125 80.511719 88.386719 80.382812 C 88.242188 80.253906 88.128906 80.101562 88.039062 79.929688 C 87.953125 79.757812 87.898438 79.578125 87.878906 79.386719 C 87.253906 73.671875 85.617188 68.269531 82.964844 63.171875 C 82.042969 61.308594 80.957031 59.546875 79.707031 57.882812 C 78.460938 56.21875 77.074219 54.683594 75.542969 53.273438 C 74.015625 51.867188 72.371094 50.609375 70.609375 49.503906 C 68.851562 48.394531 67.003906 47.457031 65.070312 46.691406 C 62.140625 45.621094 59.117188 45.085938 56 45.089844 C 55.792969 45.089844 55.589844 45.050781 55.398438 44.972656 C 55.207031 44.890625 55.035156 44.777344 54.890625 44.628906 C 54.742188 44.484375 54.628906 44.3125 54.550781 44.121094 C 54.46875 43.929688 54.429688 43.730469 54.429688 43.519531 C 54.429688 43.3125 54.46875 43.113281 54.550781 42.921875 C 54.628906 42.726562 54.742188 42.558594 54.890625 42.410156 C 55.035156 42.261719 55.207031 42.148438 55.398438 42.070312 C 55.589844 41.992188 55.792969 41.949219 56 41.949219 C 59.488281 41.945312 62.875 42.542969 66.15625 43.742188 C 68.265625 44.574219 70.28125 45.59375 72.207031 46.800781 C 74.128906 48.003906 75.929688 49.375 77.601562 50.910156 C 79.273438 52.441406 80.792969 54.117188 82.160156 55.929688 C 83.523438 57.742188 84.714844 59.664062 85.726562 61.695312 C 88.589844 67.140625 90.339844 72.921875 90.984375 79.039062 C 91.007812 79.246094 90.992188 79.449219 90.933594 79.648438 C 90.878906 79.847656 90.785156 80.027344 90.65625 80.191406 C 90.523438 80.351562 90.367188 80.484375 90.1875 80.585938 C 90.003906 80.683594 89.8125 80.746094 89.605469 80.765625 Z M 89.605469 80.765625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="currentColor" d="M 17.589844 52.609375 L 16.839844 52.75 C 16.148438 52.894531 15.621094 53.265625 15.253906 53.863281 C 14.875 54.496094 14.789062 55.164062 14.984375 55.875 L 16.242188 60.410156 C 16.417969 61.035156 16.484375 61.675781 16.441406 62.324219 C 16.398438 62.972656 16.246094 63.597656 15.988281 64.195312 C 15.726562 64.792969 15.375 65.328125 14.933594 65.804688 C 14.488281 66.28125 13.976562 66.667969 13.402344 66.96875 C 12.984375 67.183594 12.652344 67.492188 12.410156 67.894531 C 12.164062 68.292969 12.046875 68.730469 12.050781 69.199219 C 12.046875 69.648438 12.15625 70.066406 12.378906 70.453125 L 14.8125 74.800781 C 15.734375 69.371094 17.441406 64.195312 19.929688 59.277344 C 18.675781 57.222656 17.894531 55 17.589844 52.609375 Z M 17.589844 52.609375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>
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98.546875 C 25.519531 99.664062 24.613281 100.570312 23.496094 100.570312 L 19.3125 100.570312 C 18.199219 100.570312 17.292969 99.664062 17.292969 98.546875 C 17.292969 97.429688 18.199219 96.523438 19.316406 96.523438 C 19.316406 96.523438 21.457031 96.523438 21.457031 96.523438 C 21.441406 95.378906 21.414062 94.164062 21.378906 92.890625 C 19.085938 92.621094 16.863281 91.609375 15.105469 89.851562 C 10.285156 85.035156 10.285156 77.226562 15.105469 72.40625 C 15.136719 72.375 15.167969 72.34375 15.203125 72.316406 C 15.203125 72.316406 17.640625 70.179688 20.746094 67.417969 Z M 24.949219 79.214844 C 24.980469 80.128906 25.007812 81.039062 25.039062 81.941406 C 25.113281 82 25.1875 82.0625 25.257812 82.128906 C 26.046875 82.917969 26.046875 84.199219 25.257812 84.992188 C 25.222656 85.023438 25.1875 85.058594 25.152344 85.089844 C 25.191406 86.199219 25.234375 87.289062 25.269531 88.355469 C 25.992188 88.035156 26.664062 87.582031 27.257812 86.992188 C 29.152344 85.097656 29.152344 82.023438 27.253906 80.128906 C 26.621094 79.496094 25.78125 79.1875 24.949219 79.214844 Z M 24.839844 63.742188 C 27.667969 61.191406 30.441406 58.632812 32.101562 56.96875 C 34.425781 54.648438 35.304688 51.492188 34.957031 48.910156 C 34.765625 47.464844 34.203125 46.1875 33.171875 45.523438 C 32.066406 44.8125 30.539062 44.949219 28.632812 45.964844 C 27.851562 46.382812 27.34375 47.347656 26.867188 48.597656 C 26.226562 50.28125 25.78125 52.449219 25.460938 54.945312 C 25.125 57.585938 24.933594 60.574219 24.839844 63.742188 Z M 21.246094 88.773438 C 21.210938 87.796875 21.175781 86.800781 21.140625 85.785156 C 20.714844 85.605469 20.3125 85.339844 19.964844 84.988281 C 17.832031 82.855469 17.832031 79.398438 19.964844 77.269531 C 20.242188 76.988281 20.539062 76.738281 20.847656 76.515625 C 20.816406 75.277344 20.789062 74.039062 20.773438 72.800781 C 19.242188 74.152344 18.15625 75.105469 17.90625 75.328125 C 14.726562 78.570312 14.746094 83.773438 17.964844 86.992188 C 18.898438 87.925781 20.042969 88.519531 21.246094 88.773438 Z M 42.984375 90.582031 C 41.878906 90.738281 40.851562 89.96875 40.695312 88.863281 C 40.535156 87.757812 41.304688 86.734375 42.410156 86.574219 C 56.015625 84.628906 66.300781 77.863281 73.511719 66.648438 C 74.117188 65.707031 75.371094 65.4375 76.308594 66.042969 C 77.246094 66.644531 77.519531 67.898438 76.914062 68.835938 C 69.046875 81.074219 57.828125 88.457031 42.984375 90.582031 Z M 38.390625 79.953125 C 37.285156 80.113281 36.261719 79.34375 36.101562 78.238281 C 35.945312 77.132812 36.710938 76.105469 37.820312 75.949219 C 46.925781 74.644531 54.546875 71.195312 60.75 65.679688 C 61.585938 64.9375 62.867188 65.011719 63.609375 65.847656 C 64.351562 66.683594 64.273438 67.960938 63.441406 68.703125 C 56.660156 74.730469 48.34375 78.527344 38.390625 79.953125 Z M 80.640625 55.355469 C 79.90625 58.085938 76.449219 59.898438 72.710938 58.898438 C 68.972656 57.894531 66.882812 54.597656 67.613281 51.863281 C 68.34375 49.132812 71.804688 47.320312 75.542969 48.320312 C 76.480469 48.574219 77.316406 48.96875 78.03125 49.464844 L 79.609375 43.570312 C 79.613281 43.542969 79.621094 43.519531 79.628906 43.496094 L 80.222656 41.28125 C 80.59375 39.890625 81.582031 38.746094 82.898438 38.175781 C 84.21875 37.597656 85.726562 37.660156 86.996094 38.335938 L 97.996094 44.183594 C 99.9375 45.210938 100.910156 47.449219 100.339844 49.570312 L 99.425781 52.988281 C 99.417969 53.011719 99.410156 53.035156 99.40625 53.0625 L 96.375 64.375 C 95.640625 67.109375 92.183594 68.917969 88.445312 67.917969 C 84.707031 66.914062 82.613281 63.617188 83.347656 60.882812 C 84.078125 58.152344 87.539062 56.339844 91.277344 57.34375 C 92.214844 57.59375 93.050781 57.992188 93.761719 58.484375 L 95.089844 53.53125 L 82.867188 47.035156 Z M 96.164062 49.523438 L 96.433594 48.523438 C 96.511719 48.21875 96.375 47.902344 96.097656 47.753906 L 85.097656 41.90625 C 84.917969 41.8125 84.699219 41.800781 84.511719 41.882812 C 84.324219 41.964844 84.183594 42.128906 84.128906 42.328125 L 83.945312 43.023438 Z M 61.730469 32.230469 C 60.578125 36.527344 56.152344 39.082031 51.855469 37.929688 C 47.558594 36.777344 45.003906 32.355469 46.15625 28.058594 C 47.308594 23.761719 51.730469 21.207031 56.03125 22.359375 C 57.441406 22.734375 58.664062 23.46875 59.628906 24.429688 L 62.675781 13.058594 C 62.933594 12.105469 63.839844 11.476562 64.824219 11.570312 C 65.808594 11.664062 66.578125 12.453125 66.648438 13.4375 C 66.859375 16.375 67.773438 18.566406 70.386719 19.144531 C 71.476562 19.386719 72.164062 20.46875 71.921875 21.558594 C 71.679688 22.648438 70.597656 23.335938 69.507812 23.097656 C 67.515625 22.652344 66 21.734375 64.898438 20.40625 Z M 36.542969 66.375 C 35.4375 66.53125 34.410156 65.761719 34.253906 64.65625 C 34.09375 63.554688 34.863281 62.527344 35.96875 62.367188 C 49.574219 60.421875 59.859375 53.65625 67.070312 42.441406 C 67.675781 41.5 68.929688 41.230469 69.867188 41.835938 C 70.804688 42.4375 71.078125 43.691406 70.472656 44.628906 C 62.605469 56.867188 51.386719 64.25 36.542969 66.375 Z M 36.542969 66.375 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>
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58.90625 101.554688 C 59.292969 101.273438 59.554688 100.90625 59.695312 100.453125 L 62.394531 92.261719 C 58.800781 91.78125 55.308594 90.894531 51.921875 89.605469 Z M 51.921875 89.605469 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="currentColor" d="M 47.207031 75.421875 L 51.078125 87.054688 C 52.683594 87.691406 58.480469 89.886719 63.089844 90.179688 L 66.210938 80.664062 C 59.355469 80.332031 51.089844 77.097656 47.207031 75.421875 Z M 47.207031 75.421875 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="currentColor" d="M 49.808594 52.855469 C 48.664062 53.265625 47.492188 53.574219 46.292969 53.78125 C 45.921875 53.855469 45.574219 53.992188 45.253906 54.183594 C 44.929688 54.378906 44.652344 54.625 44.414062 54.917969 C 44.175781 55.210938 43.996094 55.535156 43.871094 55.890625 C 43.746094 56.246094 43.6875 56.609375 43.691406 56.988281 L 43.691406 57.851562 C 46.609375 59.640625 49.675781 61.121094 52.890625 62.296875 L 52.890625 58.988281 C 52.898438 58.269531 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33.867188 15.578125 C 33.25 15.894531 32.648438 16.246094 32.066406 16.625 C 31.484375 17.007812 30.925781 17.421875 30.386719 17.863281 C 29.851562 18.304688 29.339844 18.777344 28.851562 19.273438 C 28.367188 19.773438 27.910156 20.296875 27.480469 20.84375 C 27.050781 21.390625 26.652344 21.960938 26.28125 22.550781 C 25.914062 23.140625 25.578125 23.75 25.277344 24.375 C 24.976562 25.003906 24.707031 25.644531 24.476562 26.300781 C 24.242188 26.957031 24.046875 27.625 23.882812 28.300781 C 23.722656 28.976562 23.597656 29.660156 23.511719 30.351562 C 23.425781 31.042969 23.375 31.734375 23.363281 32.433594 C 23.351562 33.128906 23.378906 33.820312 23.441406 34.515625 C 23.503906 35.207031 23.605469 35.894531 23.742188 36.578125 C 23.878906 37.261719 24.054688 37.933594 24.265625 38.597656 C 24.476562 39.261719 24.71875 39.910156 25 40.546875 C 25.28125 41.183594 25.597656 41.804688 25.945312 42.40625 C 26.292969 43.007812 26.671875 43.59375 27.082031 44.152344 C 27.492188 44.714844 27.929688 45.253906 28.402344 45.769531 C 29.394531 46.84375 29.890625 48.113281 29.890625 49.578125 L 29.890625 53.40625 C 29.898438 53.816406 30.03125 54.179688 30.28125 54.5 C 30.535156 54.820312 30.859375 55.03125 31.253906 55.136719 L 33.988281 55.863281 C 34.40625 55.980469 34.789062 56.15625 35.148438 56.398438 C 35.503906 56.640625 35.8125 56.933594 36.070312 57.277344 C 36.332031 57.621094 36.53125 57.996094 36.667969 58.402344 C 36.804688 58.8125 36.875 59.230469 36.871094 59.664062 L 36.871094 60.339844 C 36.871094 60.652344 36.933594 60.953125 37.050781 61.238281 C 37.171875 61.527344 37.339844 61.78125 37.5625 62.003906 C 37.78125 62.222656 38.035156 62.394531 38.324219 62.511719 C 38.613281 62.632812 38.914062 62.691406 39.226562 62.691406 C 39.535156 62.691406 39.835938 62.632812 40.125 62.511719 C 40.414062 62.394531 40.667969 62.222656 40.886719 62.003906 C 41.109375 61.78125 41.277344 61.527344 41.398438 61.238281 C 41.515625 60.953125 41.578125 60.652344 41.578125 60.339844 Z M 41.609375 60.339844 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g><path fill="currentColor" d="M 66.859375 70.550781 L 66.859375 67.769531 C 66.855469 67.449219 66.800781 67.140625 66.691406 66.835938 C 66.585938 66.535156 66.429688 66.261719 66.226562 66.011719 C 66.023438 65.765625 65.785156 65.558594 65.511719 65.390625 C 65.238281 65.226562 64.945312 65.109375 64.628906 65.042969 C 64.203125 64.949219 63.765625 64.835938 63.351562 64.710938 C 63.109375 64.644531 62.890625 64.683594 62.695312 64.835938 C 62.476562 64.992188 62.371094 65.203125 62.371094 65.46875 C 62.386719 65.792969 62.371094 66.109375 62.320312 66.425781 C 62.269531 66.746094 62.1875 67.054688 62.078125 67.355469 C 61.964844 67.65625 61.824219 67.941406 61.652344 68.210938 C 61.480469 68.484375 61.285156 68.738281 61.066406 68.96875 C 60.84375 69.203125 60.601562 69.410156 60.335938 69.59375 C 60.074219 69.773438 59.792969 69.929688 59.5 70.054688 C 59.203125 70.183594 58.898438 70.277344 58.585938 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23.730469 C 35.46875 24.480469 35.039062 25.335938 34.289062 25.65625 C 33.753906 25.871094 33.007812 26.191406 32.257812 26.726562 C 30.976562 27.6875 30.867188 28.542969 31.296875 29.1875 C 31.832031 29.828125 32.792969 29.722656 35.039062 29.1875 C 38.140625 28.332031 39.851562 28.652344 41.242188 30.578125 C 42.523438 32.394531 42.417969 34.855469 40.386719 36.992188 Z M 82.84375 44.15625 C 82.523438 44.691406 81.773438 44.800781 81.34375 44.480469 C 80.917969 44.15625 80.488281 43.945312 79.847656 43.730469 C 78.671875 43.300781 78.136719 43.730469 77.921875 44.15625 C 77.710938 44.800781 78.246094 45.335938 79.527344 46.511719 C 81.34375 48.007812 81.878906 49.292969 81.34375 50.894531 C 80.8125 52.5 79.207031 53.460938 76.960938 53.035156 L 76.640625 53.996094 C 76.425781 54.53125 75.890625 54.746094 75.464844 54.53125 C 74.929688 54.316406 74.714844 53.78125 74.929688 53.355469 L 75.25 52.5 C 74.5 52.179688 73.753906 51.75 73.21875 51.324219 C 72.789062 51.003906 72.683594 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22.933594 82.988281 26.609375 82.492188 30.480469 82.792969 C 30.976562 82.792969 31.472656 82.492188 31.574219 81.996094 C 32.566406 77.828125 32.464844 73.953125 31.273438 70.578125 C 30.082031 67.699219 28.496094 65.613281 26.90625 64.125 Z M 26.90625 64.125 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="currentColor" d="M 55.105469 99.175781 C 55.402344 99.871094 56.097656 100.367188 56.894531 100.464844 C 63.746094 101.261719 64.140625 100.367188 64.539062 99.375 C 68.015625 90.933594 66.523438 81.699219 61.363281 74.449219 C 61.0625 74.054688 60.566406 74.25 60.46875 74.648438 C 59.972656 78.023438 58.878906 81.996094 56.398438 85.371094 C 54.808594 87.558594 52.820312 89.34375 50.539062 90.734375 C 49.941406 91.03125 49.84375 91.828125 50.339844 92.324219 C 52.226562 94.410156 53.914062 96.691406 55.105469 99.175781 Z M 55.105469 99.175781 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="currentColor" d="M 36.636719 83.882812 C 37.628906 84.179688 38.621094 84.578125 39.714844 84.976562 C 41.601562 85.769531 43.488281 86.761719 45.078125 87.855469 C 45.375 88.054688 45.773438 88.054688 46.070312 87.953125 C 48.949219 86.761719 51.132812 85.074219 52.820312 82.792969 C 56.097656 78.324219 56.496094 72.664062 56.296875 69.386719 C 56.296875 69.089844 56.097656 68.789062 55.898438 68.589844 C 53.617188 66.707031 51.035156 65.214844 48.253906 64.023438 C 42.792969 61.839844 37.132812 61.242188 31.871094 62.136719 C 31.574219 62.136719 31.472656 62.535156 31.671875 62.734375 C 33.0625 64.421875 34.453125 66.507812 35.34375 68.988281 C 36.835938 73.160156 37.035156 77.726562 35.941406 82.59375 C 35.742188 83.1875 36.039062 83.785156 36.636719 83.882812 Z M 36.636719 83.882812 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>
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65.675781 35.921875 L 66.378906 36.191406 C 67.453125 36.625 68.660156 36.089844 69.097656 35.015625 C 69.53125 33.941406 68.996094 32.734375 67.921875 32.296875 L 63.191406 30.386719 C 62.121094 29.949219 60.910156 30.488281 60.476562 31.558594 C 60.039062 32.632812 60.574219 33.839844 61.648438 34.277344 L 62.355469 34.546875 L 60.375 39.445312 L 59.90625 39.308594 C 57.019531 38.570312 53.96875 38.605469 51.046875 39.410156 L 50.578125 39.542969 L 48.433594 34.679688 L 49.136719 34.378906 C 50.210938 33.910156 50.679688 32.699219 50.242188 31.628906 C 49.773438 30.554688 48.566406 30.082031 47.492188 30.519531 L 42.796875 32.53125 C 41.722656 33.003906 41.253906 34.210938 41.6875 35.285156 C 42.160156 36.355469 43.367188 36.828125 44.441406 36.390625 L 45.144531 36.089844 L 47.222656 40.953125 L 46.820312 41.1875 C 46.722656 41.253906 46.585938 41.324219 46.484375 41.390625 L 70.101562 65.207031 C 70.269531 64.972656 70.40625 64.703125 70.574219 64.4375 L 70.808594 64.035156 L 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68.160156 35.917969 67.085938 L 35.617188 66.382812 L 40.480469 64.300781 L 40.714844 64.703125 C 42.257812 67.289062 44.441406 69.433594 47.054688 70.878906 L 47.460938 71.113281 L 45.480469 76.011719 L 44.773438 75.742188 C 43.703125 75.304688 42.492188 75.84375 42.058594 76.914062 C 41.621094 77.988281 42.160156 79.195312 43.230469 79.632812 L 47.960938 81.546875 C 49.035156 81.980469 50.242188 81.445312 50.679688 80.371094 C 51.117188 79.296875 50.578125 78.089844 49.503906 77.652344 L 48.800781 77.386719 L 50.78125 72.488281 L 51.25 72.621094 C 54.136719 73.359375 57.1875 73.328125 60.105469 72.519531 L 60.574219 72.386719 L 62.722656 77.285156 L 62.019531 77.585938 C 60.945312 78.054688 60.476562 79.265625 60.910156 80.335938 C 61.144531 80.839844 61.550781 81.242188 62.050781 81.445312 C 62.554688 81.644531 63.125 81.644531 63.664062 81.410156 L 68.359375 79.398438 C 68.863281 79.164062 69.265625 78.761719 69.464844 78.257812 C 69.667969 77.753906 69.667969 77.183594 69.433594 76.648438 C 68.960938 75.574219 67.753906 75.105469 66.679688 75.539062 L 65.976562 75.84375 Z M 63.964844 71.011719 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path fill="currentColor" d="M 55.578125 12.808594 C 31.757812 12.808594 12.402344 32.164062 12.402344 55.980469 C 12.402344 79.800781 31.792969 99.15625 55.578125 99.15625 C 79.394531 99.15625 98.753906 79.765625 98.753906 55.980469 C 98.753906 32.164062 79.394531 12.808594 55.578125 12.808594 Z M 81.476562 84.898438 L 80.871094 85.402344 C 73.828125 91.476562 64.835938 94.796875 55.578125 94.796875 C 34.175781 94.796875 16.761719 77.386719 16.761719 55.980469 C 16.761719 46.621094 20.152344 37.597656 26.289062 30.554688 L 26.792969 29.949219 M 29.914062 26.898438 L 30.519531 26.394531 C 37.527344 20.457031 46.417969 17.203125 55.578125 17.203125 C 76.980469 17.203125 94.390625 34.613281 94.390625 56.015625 C 94.390625 65.242188 91.070312 74.199219 85.066406 81.210938 L 84.5625 81.8125 L 83.992188 81.242188 " fill-opacity="1" 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13.542969 54.179688 13.664062 C 53.582031 13.785156 53 13.960938 52.433594 14.195312 C 51.867188 14.429688 51.332031 14.714844 50.824219 15.054688 C 50.316406 15.394531 49.84375 15.78125 49.414062 16.210938 C 48.980469 16.644531 48.59375 17.113281 48.253906 17.621094 C 47.914062 18.132812 47.628906 18.667969 47.394531 19.234375 C 47.160156 19.796875 46.984375 20.378906 46.867188 20.980469 C 46.746094 21.578125 46.6875 22.183594 46.6875 22.796875 C 46.6875 24.304688 47.050781 25.722656 47.773438 27.046875 C 45.292969 27.726562 42.933594 28.699219 40.695312 29.964844 C 40.578125 29.582031 40.433594 29.210938 40.269531 28.851562 C 40.101562 28.488281 39.910156 28.140625 39.699219 27.800781 C 39.488281 27.464844 39.253906 27.140625 39 26.832031 C 38.75 26.523438 38.476562 26.234375 38.1875 25.960938 C 37.894531 25.6875 37.589844 25.4375 37.265625 25.203125 C 36.941406 24.96875 36.605469 24.757812 36.253906 24.566406 C 35.90625 24.375 35.542969 24.210938 35.171875 24.066406 C 34.800781 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38.066406 74.210938 37.714844 73.839844 37.375 73.457031 C 37.035156 73.078125 36.707031 72.683594 36.390625 72.28125 C 36.074219 71.882812 35.769531 71.46875 35.480469 71.050781 C 35.1875 70.628906 34.910156 70.199219 34.644531 69.761719 C 34.382812 69.324219 34.132812 68.878906 33.894531 68.425781 C 33.65625 67.972656 33.433594 67.511719 33.226562 67.042969 C 33.019531 66.578125 32.824219 66.101562 32.644531 65.625 C 32.46875 65.144531 32.304688 64.660156 32.152344 64.171875 C 32.003906 63.683594 31.871094 63.1875 31.753906 62.691406 C 31.632812 62.195312 31.53125 61.691406 31.441406 61.1875 C 31.355469 60.683594 31.28125 60.179688 31.226562 59.671875 C 31.171875 59.164062 31.128906 58.652344 31.105469 58.140625 C 31.078125 57.632812 31.070312 57.121094 31.078125 56.609375 C 31.082031 56.097656 31.105469 55.585938 31.144531 55.078125 C 31.183594 54.566406 31.238281 54.058594 31.304688 53.550781 C 31.375 53.042969 31.460938 52.539062 31.5625 52.039062 C 31.664062 51.539062 31.777344 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72.425781 38.402344 C 72.808594 38.742188 73.179688 39.09375 73.539062 39.457031 C 73.898438 39.820312 74.246094 40.195312 74.582031 40.582031 C 74.921875 40.964844 75.246094 41.359375 75.558594 41.765625 C 75.871094 42.171875 76.171875 42.585938 76.457031 43.007812 C 76.742188 43.433594 77.015625 43.863281 77.277344 44.304688 C 77.539062 44.746094 77.785156 45.191406 78.015625 45.648438 C 78.25 46.101562 78.46875 46.566406 78.671875 47.035156 C 78.875 47.503906 79.0625 47.980469 79.238281 48.460938 C 79.414062 48.941406 79.574219 49.425781 79.71875 49.917969 C 79.863281 50.40625 79.992188 50.902344 80.105469 51.402344 C 80.21875 51.898438 80.316406 52.402344 80.402344 52.90625 C 80.484375 53.410156 80.550781 53.917969 80.601562 54.425781 C 80.652344 54.933594 80.691406 55.445312 80.710938 55.957031 C 80.730469 56.464844 80.734375 56.976562 80.722656 57.488281 C 80.710938 58 80.683594 58.511719 80.640625 59.019531 C 80.597656 59.53125 80.539062 60.039062 80.464844 60.542969 C 80.390625 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67.320312 31.277344 C 66.984375 31.824219 66.5625 32.328125 66.0625 32.703125 L 66.355469 33.710938 C 67.152344 36.3125 67.949219 38.871094 68.621094 42.058594 C 65.347656 42.144531 61.992188 42.394531 58.761719 42.648438 C 56.160156 42.898438 53.515625 43.148438 50.917969 43.527344 C 50.789062 43.402344 50.664062 43.277344 50.496094 43.148438 C 48.988281 41.933594 47.140625 41.261719 45.167969 41.261719 C 42.945312 41.261719 40.804688 42.144531 39.210938 43.738281 C 37.660156 45.332031 36.777344 47.472656 36.777344 49.695312 C 36.777344 51.707031 37.492188 53.679688 38.792969 55.191406 C 38.960938 55.359375 39.128906 55.527344 39.296875 55.695312 C 38.835938 59.257812 38.539062 62.65625 38.539062 66.308594 C 38.539062 67.816406 38.582031 69.328125 38.707031 70.839844 C 36.988281 71.003906 35.144531 71.214844 33.253906 71.382812 C 30.066406 71.675781 26.710938 71.886719 23.730469 71.929688 C 23.523438 72.515625 23.230469 73.019531 22.808594 73.480469 C 22.097656 74.363281 21.046875 74.992188 19.832031 75.242188 C 18.488281 75.453125 17.144531 75.117188 16.054688 74.363281 L 16.054688 74.402344 C 15.007812 73.648438 14.210938 72.515625 14 71.132812 C 13.746094 69.875 14 68.65625 14.628906 67.648438 C 14.964844 67.105469 15.382812 66.601562 15.886719 66.222656 L 15.636719 65.300781 C 14.628906 62.027344 13.621094 58.882812 12.867188 54.394531 C 12.070312 49.945312 11.902344 46.714844 11.734375 43.359375 L 11.691406 42.3125 C 11.0625 42.101562 10.476562 41.808594 9.972656 41.386719 C 9.089844 40.675781 8.421875 39.585938 8.210938 38.367188 C 7.957031 36.984375 8.292969 35.640625 9.050781 34.59375 C 9.804688 33.5 10.9375 32.746094 12.320312 32.496094 C 13.496094 32.285156 14.671875 32.535156 15.636719 33.082031 C 16.179688 33.375 16.640625 33.753906 17.019531 34.214844 Z M 49.53125 47.136719 C 52.511719 46.675781 55.824219 46.296875 59.054688 46.003906 C 63.5 45.625 67.738281 45.414062 70.464844 45.414062 C 73.191406 45.414062 77.429688 45.625 81.875 46.003906 C 85.105469 46.296875 88.460938 46.675781 91.398438 47.136719 C 91.691406 46.632812 92.113281 46.171875 92.574219 45.792969 C 93.453125 45.078125 94.546875 44.617188 95.761719 44.617188 C 97.148438 44.617188 98.40625 45.207031 99.328125 46.128906 L 99.453125 46.210938 C 100.292969 47.136719 100.796875 48.351562 100.796875 49.695312 C 100.796875 50.953125 100.335938 52.128906 99.578125 53.007812 C 99.160156 53.46875 98.65625 53.890625 98.070312 54.183594 L 98.195312 55.230469 C 98.613281 58.546875 99.035156 61.777344 99.035156 66.308594 C 99.035156 70.839844 98.613281 74.109375 98.195312 77.507812 L 98.070312 78.472656 C 98.65625 78.765625 99.160156 79.1875 99.578125 79.648438 C 100.335938 80.527344 100.796875 81.703125 100.796875 82.960938 C 100.796875 84.347656 100.25 85.605469 99.328125 86.527344 C 98.40625 87.449219 97.148438 88.039062 95.761719 88.039062 C 94.546875 88.039062 93.414062 87.578125 92.53125 86.820312 C 92.070312 86.445312 91.652344 85.980469 91.359375 85.4375 C 88.421875 85.898438 85.066406 86.277344 81.875 86.570312 C 77.429688 86.945312 73.191406 87.15625 70.464844 87.15625 C 67.738281 87.15625 63.5 86.945312 59.054688 86.570312 C 55.867188 86.277344 52.550781 85.898438 49.574219 85.4375 C 49.28125 85.980469 48.902344 86.445312 48.441406 86.820312 C 47.558594 87.578125 46.429688 88.039062 45.167969 88.039062 C 43.785156 88.039062 42.527344 87.449219 41.601562 86.527344 C 40.679688 85.605469 40.136719 84.347656 40.136719 82.960938 C 40.136719 81.703125 40.597656 80.527344 41.351562 79.648438 C 41.769531 79.1875 42.316406 78.765625 42.863281 78.472656 L 42.734375 77.507812 C 42.316406 74.109375 41.9375 70.839844 41.9375 66.308594 C 41.9375 61.777344 42.316406 58.546875 42.734375 55.230469 L 42.863281 54.183594 C 42.273438 53.890625 41.769531 53.46875 41.351562 53.007812 C 40.597656 52.128906 40.136719 50.953125 40.136719 49.695312 C 40.136719 48.308594 40.679688 47.050781 41.601562 46.128906 C 42.527344 45.207031 43.785156 44.617188 45.167969 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48.476562 19.410156 46.421875 L 19.328125 44.996094 C 19.285156 44.074219 19.957031 43.277344 20.921875 43.191406 C 21.84375 43.148438 22.640625 43.863281 22.683594 44.785156 C 22.726562 45.457031 22.765625 45.835938 22.765625 46.253906 C 22.851562 48.183594 22.976562 50.03125 23.398438 52.546875 C 23.859375 55.0625 24.402344 56.910156 24.992188 58.757812 Z M 25.410156 60.140625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/></g></svg>
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91.898438 10.003906 91.707031 9.773438 91.496094 9.5625 C 91.28125 9.347656 91.046875 9.160156 90.796875 8.992188 C 90.546875 8.828125 90.28125 8.6875 90.003906 8.574219 C 89.722656 8.457031 89.4375 8.371094 89.140625 8.3125 C 88.847656 8.253906 88.546875 8.226562 88.246094 8.226562 Z M 62.691406 47.667969 C 64.464844 50.074219 66.019531 52.613281 67.359375 55.285156 L 57.757812 57.023438 Z M 62.691406 47.667969 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="nonzero"/></svg>
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47.164062 42.988281 L 47.164062 50.496094 C 47.164062 50.992188 47.363281 51.46875 47.714844 51.820312 C 48.066406 52.171875 48.542969 52.367188 49.039062 52.367188 L 52.324219 52.367188 C 52.824219 52.367188 53.300781 52.167969 53.648438 51.820312 C 54 51.46875 54.195312 50.988281 54.195312 50.496094 L 54.195312 42.988281 C 54.195312 42.492188 53.996094 42.011719 53.648438 41.664062 C 53.296875 41.3125 52.820312 41.117188 52.324219 41.117188 L 49.039062 41.117188 C 48.539062 41.117188 48.0625 41.316406 47.714844 41.664062 C 47.359375 42.015625 47.164062 42.492188 47.164062 42.988281 Z M 29.148438 42.988281 L 29.148438 50.496094 C 29.148438 50.992188 29.347656 51.46875 29.695312 51.820312 C 30.050781 52.171875 30.527344 52.367188 31.023438 52.367188 L 34.308594 52.367188 C 34.804688 52.367188 35.28125 52.167969 35.632812 51.820312 C 35.984375 51.46875 36.179688 50.988281 36.179688 50.496094 L 36.179688 42.988281 C 36.179688 42.492188 35.980469 42.011719 35.632812 41.664062 C 35.277344 41.3125 34.800781 41.117188 34.308594 41.117188 L 31.023438 41.117188 C 30.523438 41.117188 30.046875 41.316406 29.695312 41.664062 C 29.34375 42.015625 29.148438 42.492188 29.148438 42.988281 Z M 29.148438 42.988281 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/><path fill="currentColor" d="M 67.148438 94.054688 L 67.148438 31.265625 L 90.136719 31.265625 C 90.636719 31.265625 91.113281 31.464844 91.460938 31.8125 C 91.816406 32.167969 92.011719 32.644531 92.011719 33.140625 L 92.011719 94.050781 L 67.144531 94.050781 Z M 83.101562 80.917969 C 83.101562 80.417969 82.902344 79.941406 82.554688 79.59375 C 82.203125 79.242188 81.722656 79.046875 81.230469 79.046875 L 77.945312 79.046875 C 77.445312 79.046875 76.96875 79.246094 76.617188 79.59375 C 76.265625 79.945312 76.070312 80.421875 76.070312 80.917969 L 76.070312 88.425781 C 76.070312 88.921875 76.269531 89.398438 76.617188 89.75 C 76.972656 90.101562 77.449219 90.296875 77.945312 90.296875 L 81.230469 90.296875 C 81.726562 90.296875 82.203125 90.097656 82.554688 89.75 C 82.90625 89.394531 83.101562 88.917969 83.101562 88.425781 Z M 83.101562 41.183594 C 83.101562 40.683594 82.902344 40.207031 82.554688 39.859375 C 82.203125 39.503906 81.722656 39.308594 81.230469 39.308594 L 77.945312 39.308594 C 77.445312 39.308594 76.96875 39.507812 76.617188 39.859375 C 76.265625 40.210938 76.070312 40.6875 76.070312 41.183594 L 76.070312 48.6875 C 76.070312 49.1875 76.269531 49.664062 76.617188 50.015625 C 76.972656 50.367188 77.449219 50.5625 77.945312 50.5625 L 81.230469 50.5625 C 81.726562 50.5625 82.203125 50.363281 82.554688 50.015625 C 82.90625 49.660156 83.101562 49.183594 83.101562 48.6875 Z M 83.101562 61.050781 C 83.101562 60.550781 82.902344 60.074219 82.554688 59.726562 C 82.203125 59.375 81.722656 59.179688 81.230469 59.179688 L 77.945312 59.179688 C 77.445312 59.179688 76.96875 59.378906 76.617188 59.726562 C 76.265625 60.078125 76.070312 60.554688 76.070312 61.050781 L 76.070312 68.554688 C 76.070312 69.054688 76.269531 69.53125 76.617188 69.882812 C 76.972656 70.234375 77.449219 70.429688 77.945312 70.429688 L 81.230469 70.429688 C 81.726562 70.429688 82.203125 70.230469 82.554688 69.882812 C 82.90625 69.527344 83.101562 69.050781 83.101562 68.554688 Z M 83.101562 61.050781 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/><path fill="currentColor" d="M 13.949219 101.5625 C 12.910156 101.5625 12.070312 100.71875 12.070312 99.683594 C 12.070312 98.648438 12.910156 97.804688 13.949219 97.804688 L 98.015625 97.804688 C 99.054688 97.804688 99.894531 98.648438 99.894531 99.683594 C 99.894531 100.71875 99.054688 101.5625 98.015625 101.5625 Z M 13.949219 101.5625 " fill-opacity="1" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>
{"generalEnabled":true,"recommendEnabled":true,"general":[{"media":[{"type":"text","content":"<h3 id=\"welcome\">WELCOME</h3>"},{"type":"text","content":"<p>We would like to personally thank you and welcome you to Peppers Manly Beach. We understand you would like to have an experience that puts you in control of your stay with us, so we invite you to enjoy the luxury of space and use all the services that The Sebel, has to offer.</p>"},{"type":"text","content":"<p>Managed by Accor Vacation Club, this property boasts a fantastic location at the southern end of the famed Manly Beach, just steps from the designer boutiques, diverse array of restaurants and bars, our hotel embodies the relaxed sophistication for which this part of the world is known.</p>"},{"type":"text","content":"<p>Discovering the area is easy, thanks to our easily accessible hotel location; shopping, dining, and exhilarating outdoor activities are moments away, and Sydney CBD is a short ferry ride away.</p>"},{"type":"text","content":"<p>If at any time during your stay you require any assistance, or would like to share your feedback, please do not hesitate to contact me or one of our friendly team at reception. We are passionate about our property and want you to thoroughly enjoy your stay with us.</p>"},{"type":"text","content":"<p>Warm regards,</p>"}],"title":"Welcome","active":true,"type":"general","icon":"welcome"},{"icon":"building","media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>FAIRY BOWER SUITE</p>"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/accounts%2F3Kbyngls8gdpNi8ZA29IhKFniz92%2Fcompendium%2FScreenshot%202024-12-12%20141458.jpg?alt=media&token=8f77a95a-bab0-47a8-8ade-d4a1f6e634a1"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/accounts%2F3Kbyngls8gdpNi8ZA29IhKFniz92%2Fcompendium%2FScreenshot%202024-12-12%20141737.jpg?alt=media&token=4b2baeda-57af-46e3-8a6a-3d421a2319eb","type":"img"},{"type":"text","content":"<p>For an elevated elegant experience, book your stay in The Fairy Bower Suite. Located on the 7th floor, spread over 125 well-appointed square meters, with a wraparound Balcony giving way to unrivaled views of the ocean, Manly District and through towards Shelly Beach. Providing ample space for up to six guests, the Fairy Bower Suite has two bedrooms. The master has a queen bed and en-suite bathroom with a walk-in shower. The spacious second bedroom has a king bed which can be split into two singles. Relax and refresh in the main bathroom with the added indulgence of a spa bath and shower above. The light-filled open plan living space comprises of a Kitchen, Lounge and Dining table. The Fairy Bower Suite is a spacious luxury residence suitable for guests looking to enjoy the relaxed holiday vibe of Manly Beach or being a short walk from the Manly to Sydney Ferry, why not mix business with pleasure</p>"},{"content":"<h3 id=\"onebedroomdeluxeapartmentoceanview\">ONE BEDROOM DELUXE APARTMENT OCEAN VIEW</h3>","type":"text"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/accounts%2F3Kbyngls8gdpNi8ZA29IhKFniz92%2Fcompendium%2FScreenshot%202024-12-12%20141712.jpg?alt=media&token=b8911729-879c-4e71-b391-e692d3d2f6be"},{"content":"<p>Our One Bedroom Deluxe Apartment Ocean View rooms are spacious and contemporary. They feature a furnished balcony, kitchenette and lounge/dining area. The bedroom consists of a queen or king bed.</p>","type":"text"},{"type":"text","content":"<h3 id=\"onebedroomsuperiorapartment\">ONE BEDROOM SUPERIOR APARTMENT</h3>"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/accounts%2F3Kbyngls8gdpNi8ZA29IhKFniz92%2Fcompendium%2FScreenshot%202024-12-12%20141752.jpg?alt=media&token=5486e3e9-ea58-41e8-a782-07b475f9891f"},{"content":"<p>Our One Bedroom Superior Apartments are contemporary and stylish. Each room features a kitchenette, air conditioning, lounge/dining area, and a furnished balcony with view over the Manly district.</p>","type":"text"},{"type":"text","content":"<h3 id=\"deluxestudiooceanview\">DELUXE STUDIO OCEAN VIEW</h3>"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/accounts%2F3Kbyngls8gdpNi8ZA29IhKFniz92%2Fcompendium%2FScreenshot%202024-12-12%20141807.jpg?alt=media&token=89577833-4758-487d-aa4e-0067609e71cf","type":"img"},{"type":"text","content":"<p>Our contemporary and spacious Deluxe Studio Ocen View rooms offer spectacular ocean views, a lounge area/dining area, air conditioning and furnished balcony. These rooms feature twin or queen bedding.</p>"},{"content":"<h3 id=\"studiononrefurbishedoceanview\">STUDIO NON REFURBISHED OCEAN VIEW</h3>","type":"text"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/accounts%2F3Kbyngls8gdpNi8ZA29IhKFniz92%2Fcompendium%2FScreenshot%202024-12-12%20142143.jpg?alt=media&token=2f486bc9-6048-4e88-9f7b-638abf8c86da","type":"img"},{"content":"<p>Our non refurbished and spacious Studio Non Refurbished Ocean View rooms offer spectacular ocean views a lounge area, work desk, air conditioning and furnished balcony. These rooms feature a queen bed.</p>","type":"text"}],"active":false,"type":"general","title":"Accommodation"},{"media":[{"content":"<h3 id=\"relaxexploreandmore\">RELAX, EXPLORE AND MORE</h3>","type":"text"},{"content":"<p>At Peppers Manly Beach, we are passionate about our local area, and we want you to get to know and love it as much as we do. We have suggested a few things below; you might want to add to your itinerary.</p>","type":"text"}],"title":"Relax, Explore and More","active":true,"icon":"sunrise","type":"general"},{"icon":"atm","title":"BANKS & ATM’S","type":"general","media":[{"type":"text","content":"<h3 id=\"banksatms\">BANKS &amp; ATM’S</h3>"},{"content":"<p>Peppers Manly Beach is close to all major bank branches, located as follows. If you require directions to a particular bank or branch, please contact reception for assistance.</p>","type":"text"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/accounts%2F3Kbyngls8gdpNi8ZA29IhKFniz92%2Fcompendium%2FScreenshot%202024-12-12%20142511.jpg?alt=media&token=fa61780e-6829-4316-8886-079125ad7e8b"}],"active":true},{"media":[{"content":"<p>For information on car rental services please contact reception.</p>","type":"text"}],"type":"general","title":"Car Rental","icon":"car","active":true},{"media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>Check-out time is 11:00am, seven days a week. Should you wish to extend your stay, or arrange a later check-out time please contact reception. </p>"},{"type":"text","content":"<p>Additional charges may apply for later check-out times, which are subject to availability. Luggage may be stored for later collection.</p>"}],"title":"Check Out Time","type":"general","icon":"check","active":false},{"icon":"hospital","type":"general","media":[{"content":"<p>The closest chemist is also an after-hours Pharmacy’s Chemist Warehouse located at 52-58 The Corso Manly. It is open until 9pm, Contact 02 9977 3043.</p>","type":"text"}],"active":false,"title":"CHEMIST / PHARMACY"},{"icon":"walk","title":"COURIER SERVICES","media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>Local, interstate and international courier services may be arranged through Reception. The hotel uses TNT couriers, who cater for all parcel sizes. Additional charges apply for this service. Inbound courier items may be received on your behalf and placed in your room in your absence.</p>"}],"type":"general","active":true},{"type":"general","icon":"exchange","media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>We accept the following credit cards as payment for all goods and services: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club and JCB. We reserve the right to pre-authorise your nominated credit card for an amount equivalent to your anticipated account total. Please note should you wish to settle your account with a credit card, a 1.0% surcharge based on the total bill applies. If you have any queries concerning this please contact the Manager on Duty.</p>"}],"title":"CREDIT CARDS","active":true},{"title":"DAMAGE","media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>Fees will apply for any damage caused to the room and or common areas by guests/visitors of your room. Please advise Reception if there are any maintenance issues in your room so these can be attended to.</p>"}],"icon":"building","active":false,"type":"general"},{"media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>Should you have medical or dentistry requirements during your stay, we can recommend a local medical or dental service. For emergency attention, please contact the Manager on Duty immediately at reception. </p>"},{"content":"<p>In all cases of extreme or lifethreatening emergency, please dial Emergency Services on 0 + 000 direct from your room telephone prior to contacting the Manager on Duty.</p>","type":"text"}],"active":false,"title":"DOCTOR / DENTIST","type":"general","icon":"heart"},{"active":true,"media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>The Peppers Manly Beach offers overnight laundry and dry cleaning service Monday to Friday only. You will find a dry cleaning and laundry docket detailing these services and applicable prices in your wardrobe, along with a collection bag. Complete the docket specifying your request, place clothing items in the bag and hand in to Reception prior to 8.am.</p>"}],"icon":"washing","title":"DRY CLEANING & LAUNDRY","type":"general"},{"media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>The emergency exits are located beside the elevators on each floor. Please familiarise yourself with the fire and emergency exit map on the back of your room’s main entry door, which clearly illustrates all emergency exits. </p>"},{"content":"<p>Evacuation Alarm – This is a loud, continuous ‘whoop whoop’ tone heard throughout the hotel. When evacuating immediately and calmly, make your way to the closest fire exit indicated in the floor plan on the back of your room door. Please refer to the ‘Stay Safe’ section for further details regarding emergency procedures.</p>","type":"text"}],"type":"general","active":false,"title":"EMERGENCY PROCEDURE","icon":"pharmacy"},{"title":"ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM","type":"general","media":[{"content":"<p>A selection of free-to-air and Foxtel channels including sports and movie channels for your enjoyment. Should you experience any problems using your television, or require further assistance, please contact Reception.</p>","type":"text"}],"icon":"tv","active":true},{"type":"general","media":[{"content":"<p>Peppers Manly Beach is a boutique-style hotel within a residential area. For this reason, there are conditions surrounding the entertaining of visitors in guest accommodation, which exist to guarantee maximum comfort for all guests and our neighboring residents.</p>","type":"text"},{"type":"text","content":"<h3 id=\"theyinclude\">They include:</h3>"},{"content":"<ul>\n<li>The maximum number of visitors to a guest room is two (2) excluding the occupying guest.</li>\n</ul>","type":"text"},{"content":"<ul>\n<li>As a service to guests, our receptionist will telephone your room to inform you that a visitor is here. You will be requested to come to reception to receive them at reception. This simply means that upon their arrival, our Receptionist will telephone you to inform you that a visitor is here and confirm whether to send the visitor up to your accommodation, or if you would prefer to collect your guest from the lobby.</li>\n</ul>","type":"text"},{"content":"<ul>\n<li>In order to ensure the comfort of all guests, the hotel asks that noise levels of guests be kept to a minimum. With any requests from Management relating to noise, your cooperation is expected.</li>\n</ul>","type":"text"},{"type":"text","content":"<ul>\n<li>Damage to hotel property by guests and their visitors is the responsibility of the registered guest. All damages will be charged for.</li>\n</ul>"},{"type":"text","content":"<ul>\n<li>All visitors are asked to quietly vacate the hotel by 10.00pm.</li>\n</ul>"},{"type":"text","content":"<ul>\n<li>If a complaint is received regarding excessive noise &amp; the Duty Manager is called out to deal with this situation there will be a $150 call out fee charged to the room. It is the hotel’s recommendation that guests use Manly Wines for entertaining visitors. For larger groups, parties or functions, we suggest you contact our Events Co-ordinator prior to the event to discuss any catering requirements and arrange a suitable event space. Our guests’ comfort remains at the forefront of our minds and we appreciate your cooperation. We reserve the right to ask guests not adhering to these guidelines to vacate the hotel immediately.</li>\n</ul>"}],"title":"ENTERTAINMENT POLICY","active":true,"icon":"ask"},{"icon":"heart","active":true,"title":"FIRST AID","media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>In the interest of our guests’ wellbeing, there is a trained First Aid officer on duty at all times. Please contact the Manager on Duty at reception for assistance.</p>"}],"type":"general"},{"active":true,"media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>For your convenience, a selection of guest amenities and toiletries are available to meet your needs &amp; is available at reception for a small cost.</p>"}],"title":"GUEST AMENITIES","type":"general","icon":"umbrella"},{"media":[{"content":"<p>Reception is available 24/7. Should you require assistance with luggage or porter services, hotel facilities, local attractions, bookings, transportation, restaurant recommendations &amp; bookings or any further information please contact reception.</p>","type":"text"}],"active":true,"icon":"massage","type":"general","title":"GUEST SERVICES"},{"type":"general","icon":"hairdryer","title":"HAIR DRYER","media":[{"content":"<p>Complimentary hair dryers are available for use during your stay and are located in the cupboard.</p>","type":"text"}],"active":true},{"type":"general","active":true,"media":[{"content":"<p>A fire escape plan of your accommodation floor is located on the back of your main entry door, which also includes the hotel floor plan. Should you require further assistance locating another room or facilities or the fire escape plan, please contact Reception. </p>","type":"text"},{"content":"<p>Please refer to the ‘Stay Safe’ section of this compendium for further details regarding emergency instructions and evacuation points.</p>","type":"text"}],"title":"HOTEL FIRE ESCAPE PLAN","icon":"walk"},{"title":"ICE","active":true,"icon":"whiskey","media":[{"content":"<p>Ice is available through our restaurant. Please contact reception this service is available until 11:00pm.</p>","type":"text"}],"type":"general"},{"title":"INTERNET ACCESS","icon":"wifi","media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>Complimentary Wi Fi internet access is available in all guest accommodation and throughout the public areas of the hotel. Password is available at reception. </p>"},{"type":"text","content":"<p>To access the internet, simply turn on your computer and open your web browser.</p>"}],"active":true,"type":"general"},{"active":true,"icon":"nightlife","media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>For laundry, dry cleaning and pressing, please refer to ‘Dry Cleaning’ section of this compendium. For your convenience, an iron and ironing board have been provided for your use and are located in your bedroom wardrobe.</p>"}],"title":"IRONING & PRESSING","type":"general"},{"type":"general","title":"LIMOUSINE TRANSFERS","icon":"car","active":false,"media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>We are happy to arrange a chauffeur-driven car or limousine on your behalf. Please contact Reception, as advance bookings are essential.</p>"}]},{"type":"general","icon":"lock","active":false,"title":"KEYCARDS","media":[{"content":"<p>For your convenience and security we ask that you retain your key card throughout your stay and return it to Reception upon check out. Please report lost key cards to Reception immediately. Photo identification will be required to obtain additional key cards.</p>","type":"text"}]},{"media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>All property, lost and found, is reported to Reception where the respective guest, if known, is contacted immediately. Should you require any further assistance with lost or found items, please contact reception.</p>"}],"icon":"safe","title":"LOST & FOUND PROPERTY","active":true,"type":"general"},{"title":"LUGGAGE STORAGE / COLLECTION","media":[{"content":"<p>Secure short term luggage storage is available to all guests. Arrangements for storage can be made by contacting reception.</p>","type":"text"}],"active":true,"type":"general","icon":"building"},{"title":"MAINTENANCE","icon":"hospital","active":true,"type":"general","media":[{"content":"<p>It is our aim to provide all accommodation in full working order, however should you experience the need for maintenance assistance at any time, please contact reception at your earliest convenience. We will do our utmost to assist you as soon as possible; however some maintenance issues may need to be addressed within business hours. </p>","type":"text"},{"content":"<p>Please be assured that all emergency situations will be addressed with the urgency required.</p>","type":"text"}]},{"icon":"excercise","type":"general","active":false,"title":"PERSONAL SAFETY","media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>All hotel accommodation floors are accessible only with a programmed key card from Reception. Keys are programmed to access your room level &amp; the pool terrace only.</p>"}]},{"active":true,"type":"general","icon":"room","title":"PILLOWS","media":[{"content":"<p>Should you require additional pillows or for specific requests, please contact Reception.</p>","type":"text"}]},{"title":"POSTAGE & MAIL","icon":"present","type":"general","media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>Items requiring posting may be left with Reception between 7am – 8pm. Please contact reception for postage services. Please refer to the ‘Courier Services’ section of this compendium should you require alternative postage means.</p>"}],"active":false},{"active":true,"type":"general","icon":"lock","title":"PRIVACY","media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>A Do Not Disturb sign is provided on the back of your door. We suggest that you also advise Reception to take messages for you to ensure you are not disturbed. Please note your room will not be serviced by Housekeeping if the “Please Do Not Disturb” sign is displayed.</p>"}]},{"title":"RELIGIOUS SERVICES","active":false,"media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>Please contact Reception for service times, locations and directions for the respective faith.</p>"}],"icon":"seats","type":"general"},{"icon":"desk","media":[{"content":"<p>Reception is attended from 24/7. The following services are also available through Reception:</p>","type":"text"},{"type":"text","content":"<ul>\n<li>Luggage storage</li>\n</ul>"},{"content":"<ul>\n<li>Guest services, recommendations &amp; tour bookings</li>\n</ul>","type":"text"},{"content":"<ul>\n<li>Secretarial services (refer to the ‘Business Services’ section of this compendium).</li>\n</ul>","type":"text"}],"title":"RECEPTION","type":"general","active":true},{"icon":"coupon","title":"RESERVATIONS","active":false,"type":"general","media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>For all reservation information, please contact our Reception. Our staff will be pleased to assist you with future bookings for The Sebel Sydney Manly Beach. To book your next stay at any of our hotels or resorts throughout the world, visit us at www.accorhotels.com, www.thesebel.com or call 1300 65 65 65.</p>"}]},{"active":true,"type":"general","icon":"smoking","title":"SMOKING","media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>The Sebel Sydney Manly Beach is a non- smoking property. Our rooms are provided as nonsmoking rooms. If guests do not adhere to the non-smoking rules and the smoke detector is set off, a <strong>AUD$1,760.00</strong> Fire Brigade call out fee will be placed on your room account. </p>"},{"content":"<p>Additional cleaning fees will apply, starting from AUD$300.00</p>","type":"text"}]},{"type":"general","title":"ROOM SAFES","media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>Guests are encouraged to place all valuables in the room safe provided in your cupboard, instructions on how to set combinations are provided, if assistance is required please contact reception by dialing 9.</p>"}],"icon":"safe","active":true},{"active":false,"icon":"car","type":"general","media":[{"content":"<p>The local taxi service can be contacted on 13 CABS (13 22 27), if assistance is required please contact reception.</p>","type":"text"}],"title":"TAXI"},{"icon":"wheelchair","active":true,"media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>All floors have wheelchair access via the main guest lift. Rooms with enhanced access are also available if required. For any enquiries regarding wheelchair access, please contact Reception.</p>"}],"type":"general","title":"WHEELCHAIR ACCESS"},{"icon":"shop","title":"LOSS OF PROPERTY","media":[{"content":"<h3 id=\"noticeaboutlossofguestspropertysection15\">NOTICE ABOUT LOSS OF GUEST’S PROPERTY – SECTION 15</h3>","type":"text"},{"type":"text","content":"<p><strong>Traveller Accommodation Providers (Liability) Act 2001</strong> The Traveller Accommodation Providers (Liability) Act 2001 changes the common law about <strong>innkeeper’s liability.</strong> Under the Act, an <strong>accommodation provider</strong> may be liable to make good any <strong>loss</strong> of a <strong>guest’s property</strong> in certain circumstances even though the loss is not caused by the <strong>fault</strong> of the accommodation provider, or the provider’s <strong>agent</strong>. The strict liability of the accommodation provider under the Act -</p>"},{"type":"text","content":"<ul>\n<li>applies only to a guest of the accommodation provider on a day when an accommodation unit is provided for the use of the guest. </li>\n</ul>"},{"content":"<ul>\n<li>is limited to $250 for each accommodation unit provided for the use of the guest on the day, unless the guest’s property was placed in safe custody facilities. </li>\n</ul>","type":"text"},{"content":"<ul>\n<li>does not cover motor vehicles and things owned by the guest left in or on motor vehicles.</li>\n</ul>","type":"text"},{"content":"<p><strong>NOTE: Words appearing in bold have a special meaning under the Traveller Accommodation Providers (Liability) Act 2001.</strong></p>","type":"text"}],"type":"general","active":false},{"active":true,"media":[{"type":"text","content":"<p>In the unlikely event of an emergency, the Fire Escape Plan on the back of your door indicates the location of your closest fire exit. </p>"},{"content":"<p>Your safety is our priority. Please do not return to your room for valuables when evacuation procedures are underway. Please assist emergency wardens by following instructions in a calm, efficient manner.</p>","type":"text"}],"icon":"walk","type":"general","title":"EMERGENCY / EVACUATION PROCEDURES"},{"title":"Calls","type":"general","media":[{"type":"text","content":"<h3 id=\"callswithinaustralia\">CALLS WITHIN AUSTRALIA</h3>"},{"content":"<p>To receive an outside line Dial 0 (zero) then continue to dial the number you wish to be connected to. For STD calls you will be required to enter an area code and for INTERNATIONAL calls you will be required to enter a country code. </p>","type":"text"},{"content":"<p>Please note there are no discounted rates or half-hourly rates available. Calls to all major metropolitan centres within Australia, including Gold &amp; Sunshine Coasts attract STD charges. </p>","type":"text"},{"type":"text","content":"<p>The following STD codes are for the major cities in Australia. Calls are timed and priced per minute. </p>"},{"type":"text","content":"<p>Australian STD Codes – Dial 0 for an outside line then the area code then the phone number</p>"},{"type":"text","content":"<h3 id=\"australianstdcodes\">AUSTRALIAN STD CODES</h3>"},{"type":"text","content":"<p>(02) New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory<br />\n(03) Victoria and Tasmania<br />\n(07) Queensland<br />\n(08) Western Australia, South Australia and Northern Territory</p>"}],"icon":"earth","active":false},{"active":true,"title":"Accor Vacation Club Members","media":[{"content":"<h3 id=\"atyourservicemembersamenitiesandsupplies\">AT YOUR SERVICE MEMBERS AMENITIES AND SUPPLIES</h3>","type":"text"},{"type":"text","content":"<p>On arrival your room will have a starter pack of toiletries, amenities and supplies. Please be aware that if you require further items, charges may apply. </p>"},{"type":"text","content":"<h3 id=\"assistance\">ASSISTANCE</h3>"},{"type":"text","content":"<p>For any assistance please contact Reception on extension 9 or alternately call Member Services on 1300 76 14 14 (Option 2) or email: info@accorvacationclub.com.au </p>"},{"content":"<h3 id=\"cleaning\">CLEANING</h3>","type":"text"},{"content":"<p>As with all Club Properties, Peppers Manly Beach Apartments are not serviced daily and will only be serviced on departure. However, mid stay room cleans will occur on stays of 8 days or longer. Should you wish to have an additional room clean, fees are applicable. 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