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Travel Modes in Directions
A. LyLo Queenstown
LyLo Queenstown
0.0 km
B. Skyline Queenstown
Skyline Queenstown
0.0 km
C. AJ Hackett Ledge Bungy & Swing
AJ Hackett Ledge Bungy & Swing
0.0 km
D. Skyline Luge
Skyline Luge
0.0 km
E. Queenstown Ice Bar
Queenstown Ice Bar
0.0 km
F. The Bead Shop
The Bead Shop
0.0 km
G. Margo's Queenstown
Margo's Queenstown
0.0 km
H. LyLo Queenstown
LyLo Queenstown
Start Location
LyLo Queenstown
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[{"address":"LyLo Queenstown","location":{"latitude":-45.03033661589713,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"longitude":168.65993044999996,"longitudeDelta":0.17456507414299438},"placeId":"ChIJaXywxoMd1akR0gXhDZZUyQs","media":[{"content":{"place_id":"ChIJaXywxoMd1akR0gXhDZZUyQs"},"type":"place"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2Flylo%20q21.jpg?alt=media&token=9b7724ba-61bd-4e96-98a3-ba7e184adf87","type":"img"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2Flylo%20q22.jpg?alt=media&token=f5095f90-3299-48ea-bc8a-189b4ef5d09c","type":"img"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2Flylo%20q23.jpg?alt=media&token=807a4207-5243-4014-9c2c-f04b28eff4c7","type":"img"},{"content":"### Queenstown has an endless amount of activities to do from the adrenaline-seeking activities to the stunning hikes to just walking around and exploring our lovely town. This tour will allow you to walk around at your leisure and experience the best Queenstown has to offer!","type":"text"},{"content":"Our first spot is Lylo QT, a place that not only surprises but leaves a lasting impression on every traveler who walks through its doors. This is what makes it so special and adds a touch of magic to our tour. LyLo Queenstown isn't your ordinary hostel, it's an experience in itself - one that you won't want to miss!\n\nIt's not just a place to rest your head at night; it's a vibrant and lively atmosphere that exudes fun and adventure. Step inside and you'll find funky furniture and vibrant decor that will transport you to a world of pure excitement. But wait, there's more! LyLo Queenstown also offers a communal kitchen and lounge area, designed to bring travelers together and create opportunities for making lifelong friendships with people from all around the world.\n\n","type":"text"},{"content":"We also have a coffee maker that makes delicious cappiccinos, lattes, mochas and more! To start our tour, grab a coffee from our coffee cart and we can go explore all Queenstown has to offer!","type":"text"}],"ttsFile":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2Ftts_0.mp3?alt=media&token=7b9031ce-d1a7-4cb6-a527-12a99702aac2"},{"address":"Skyline Queenstown","location":{"latitude":-45.02862386589615,"longitude":168.65613155,"longitudeDelta":0.1469051152118861,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421},"placeId":null,"media":[{"content":{"plus_code":{"global_code":"4V6CXMC4+HC","compound_code":"XMC4+HC Queenstown, Otago, New Zealand"},"address_components":[{"long_name":"53","types":["street_number"],"short_name":"53"},{"short_name":"Brecon St","types":["route"],"long_name":"Brecon Street"},{"types":["political","sublocality","sublocality_level_1"],"short_name":"Queenstown","long_name":"Queenstown"},{"types":["locality","political"],"long_name":"Queenstown","short_name":"Queenstown"},{"long_name":"Otago","short_name":"Otago","types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"]},{"long_name":"New Zealand","short_name":"NZ","types":["country","political"]},{"long_name":"9300","types":["postal_code"],"short_name":"9300"}],"formatted_address":"53 Brecon Street, Queenstown 9300, New Zealand","types":["cafe","establishment","food","point_of_interest","tourist_attraction"],"place_id":"ChIJvW5Ehngd1akRv1_byHfuLCI","geometry":{"location":{"lat":-45.028593,"lng":168.656105},"viewport":{"north":-45.0272748697085,"south":-45.0299728302915,"west":168.6547825697085,"east":168.6574805302915},"location_type":"ROOFTOP"},"partial_match":true},"type":"place"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2F100j0x000000lfrdk859D.jpg?alt=media&token=d8f09763-5360-4f0c-89c9-ef2f2c431588","type":"img"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2Fimg-1612225297-3494-11563-gondola-hero-shot__aWxvdmVrZWxseQo_CropResizeWzk0MCw1MzAsNzUsInBuZyJd.png?alt=media&token=5056409d-d90d-413d-9ff9-0e7a1ba5c208","type":"img"},{"content":"Welcome, my adventurous friends, to Skyline Queenstown! Have you ever wondered what it's like to stand 450 meters above the city with a panoramic view of the Southern Alps? Well, now you can!\n\nAs a local guide, I always recommend starting your Queenstown adventure by taking the scenic gondola ride. You'll be greeted with the most incredible views in all of New Zealand! It's a great place for photos and is a sure way to get your adrenaline pumping.\n\nAs a matter of fact, Skyline Queenstown is not just a simple gondola ride, but an adventure park in the sky! There are numerous activities to choose from, including the famous luge track, ziplining, or even bungee jumping off the ledge with the world's first urban cliff drop. It's definitely not for the faint-hearted!\n\nNow, let me tell you a little bit of history about Skyline Queenstown. In 1967, the gondola was first introduced to Queenstown. It was the town's first commercial space venture which drew crowds of visitors from all over the world. Since then, Skyline Queenstown has become one of the most iconic locations in New Zealand.\n\nSo, my challenge for you all is to conquer the Skyline Luge track. It's a thrilling ride with several levels starting from the top of the gondola. Take this opportunity to be a kid again and race your friends or family down the hills.\n\n","type":"text"}]},{"address":"AJ Hackett Ledge Bungy & Swing","location":{"longitude":168.6562128,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-45.02863411589617,"longitudeDelta":0.1469051152118861},"placeId":null,"media":[{"content":{"geometry":{"viewport":{"north":-45.0272851197085,"west":168.6548638197085,"east":168.6575617802915,"south":-45.0299830802915},"location":{"lng":168.6563294,"lat":-45.02860219999999},"location_type":"GEOMETRIC_CENTER"},"formatted_address":"Brecon Street, Queenstown 9300, New Zealand","plus_code":{"global_code":"4V6CXMC4+HG","compound_code":"XMC4+HG Queenstown, Otago, New Zealand"},"address_components":[{"types":["route"],"long_name":"Brecon Street","short_name":"Brecon St"},{"types":["political","sublocality","sublocality_level_1"],"long_name":"Queenstown","short_name":"Queenstown"},{"short_name":"Queenstown","long_name":"Queenstown","types":["locality","political"]},{"short_name":"Otago","types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"long_name":"Otago"},{"long_name":"New Zealand","types":["country","political"],"short_name":"NZ"},{"types":["postal_code"],"long_name":"9300","short_name":"9300"}],"place_id":"ChIJTdzqjngd1akR0nc7Jdy8vNw","partial_match":true,"types":["establishment","point_of_interest","tourist_attraction"]},"type":"place"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2Fimg-1582023806-7990-13377-p-A9796E67-03B0-1220-4834891077FCA13C-2544003__aWxvdmVrZWxseQo_CropResizeWzEyMDAsNjMwLDc1LCJqcGciXQ.jpg?alt=media&token=3d7e9e15-1077-41b0-b7bb-a409c55fece3","type":"img"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2FAJH-LB-20170202-030-001-0003-Camera-4-2.jpg?alt=media&token=4534897e-5c17-40d5-a710-4f78f8607f6a","type":"img"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2Fimg-1605563411-9235-3455-landscape_1080x630-lb_6__aWxvdmVrZWxseQo_CropResizeWzk0MCw1MzAsNzUsImpwZyJd.jpg?alt=media&token=c86bc304-0843-4393-921f-51900bce16ce","type":"img"},{"content":"Welcome, welcome, welcome to the AJ Hackett Ledge Bungy & Swing! As you stand here right in front of the beautiful Shotover River and its spectacular views, have you ever wondered what it's like to take a leap of faith into the abyss? This is the perfect place to experience the ultimate adrenaline rush that only Queenstown can offer.\n\nAs a lover of adventure and all things bungee, I have to say that there's no other city quite like Queenstown that can offer the variety of thrilling activities that we have here. But even among the thrill-seekers, AJ Hackett Ledge Bungy & Swing stands out as a must-visit, offering a unique and thrilling experience you won't find anywhere else.\n\nCan you guess how long it took for AJ Hackett to perfect the jump and create the ultimate bungy experience? Twenty years! That's right, folks, it took twenty years for him to develop the perfect tandem bungy jump. AJ Hackett is recognized as the pioneer of bungy jumping, and he has brought his expertise to this very spot where you now stand.\n\nAs AJ Hackett himself once said, \"The only way to do it is to do it.\" And that is precisely what you'll be doing here! You'll be taking the leap of a lifetime, with nothing but the Shotover River below you.\n\nBut before you take that leap of faith, take a moment to look around and take in the stunning views of the river and the surrounding landscape. It's an experience that will stay with you forever.\n\nWhen you're ready, take that leap, and I guarantee it will be an experience you'll never forget. So, go ahead and live life to the fullest, folks! Don't forget to take those Instagram-worthy photos and videos to show all your friends back home.\n\nOkay, if you're done here let's move on to the next stop on this LyLo adventure rush tour. Take your time and move to the next stop when you're ready to continue on our journey.\n\n","type":"text"}]},{"address":"Skyline Luge","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1469051152118861,"latitude":-45.026251815894845,"longitude":168.6500052,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421},"placeId":null,"media":[{"content":{"place_id":"ChIJi-lpol4d1akRFDWVX68fl5E"},"type":"place"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2Fa5.jpg?alt=media&token=fae3c652-b43b-4c71-ae19-d6a799319890","type":"img"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2Fimg-1597045234-7657-9343-019-skyline-luge-oct18__aWxvdmVrZWxseQo_CropResizeWzk0MCw1MzAsNzUsImpwZyJd.jpg?alt=media&token=63950861-5cbb-472c-adcf-748b0bfb6009","type":"img"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2Fskyline-queenstown_luge_friends-luging_sml.jpg?alt=media&token=4b82ce68-e315-4bdd-be9d-fca286331c8f","type":"img"},{"content":"We've now made it up the gondola and to the Skyline Luge! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to race down a mountain track with your hair blowing in the wind? Well, you're in luck because that's exactly what we're going to do!\n\nWe all know the famous saying, \"Life is too short to not take risks,\" and that's exactly what we're going to do today as we conquer this exhilarating track.\n\nNow, let's talk about what makes Skyline Luge so unique, compared to other mountain tracks. Not only do you get to ride down at your own speed, but you also have the option to choose a scenic or the advanced track - all while taking in the panoramic views of the Southern Alps and Lake Wakatipu. So no matter your adrenaline level, there is something for you!\n\nBefore we finish up here, a little insider knowledge for you all: If you're planning on coming back for a second round, make sure to keep your ticket stub because you'll get a discount on your next ride.\n\nAlright, my fellow adventurers, if you're ready to race down the mountain, let's get to it! And for those of you who are still getting your nerve up, no worries, we'll wait for you at the bottom.\n\n","type":"text"}]},{"address":"Queenstown Ice Bar","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.10357117955314983,"latitude":-45.02966181589675,"longitude":168.65698594999998,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421},"placeId":"ChIJfbAJ50sd1akRF7fBiS7vEcE","media":[{"content":{"place_id":"ChIJfbAJ50sd1akRF7fBiS7vEcE"},"type":"place"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2Fqib.jpg?alt=media&token=63c88273-cb6c-4783-97bb-4ffd2b1bfde7","type":"img"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2Fqib%202.png?alt=media&token=c06ab0d5-df97-44d3-970d-fec56279d384","type":"img"},{"content":"Imagine sipping your cocktail from a glass made entirely of ice – sounds cool, right? That's just one of the unique experiences you'll find here at Queenstown Ice Bar. This frosty haven maintains temperatures well below freezing, so remember to suit up in one of the cozy parkas provided!\n\nBut did you know that Queenstown Ice Bar holds the record for the largest ice bar in the Southern Hemisphere? Each year, local artists craft intricate sculptures from over 18 tonnes of crystal-clear ice. Some say it's like stepping into an Arctic wonderland – but you don’t need a passport!\n\nSpeaking of passports, let me share a fun little story. Last winter, a penguin couple from the local wildlife sanctuary somehow made their way in here, mistaking it for their new home! They wanted to chill out too, literally. Our friendly staff ensured they had a safe journey back, but not before the story made headlines!\n\nHave you spotted the ice chandelier yet? Right over there, sparkling like a thousand diamonds. It's an absolute marvel, and a testament to the incredible skill of our local ice sculptors. Makes for a great selfie spot, don’t you think?\n\nFinally, let’s make this tour interactive. Who thinks they can hold an ice glass without gloves for more than a minute? Give it a try, but don’t blame me if you can’t feel your fingers afterward! Just kidding – it's all part of the fun.\n\nThanks for joining this frosty adventure with me! Don't forget to take a moment to marvel at the sheer artistry that surrounds you – it’s not every day you get to drink in an ice palace.\n\n","type":"text"}]},{"address":"The Bead Shop","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.10357117955314983,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-45.029891815896875,"longitude":168.66199215},"placeId":"ChIJ8-yPiYMd1akR_0LKon9VPCQ","media":[{"content":{"place_id":"ChIJ8-yPiYMd1akR_0LKon9VPCQ"},"type":"place"},{"content":"Now that we've already gotten our heart beats racing from the Luge and our taste buds chilly at the Ice Bar, lets take it down a notch to enjoy the relaxing activity of jewerly making, a unique way to show off your personality and bring our your creative side!","type":"text"},{"content":"Right, everyone, quick question to start: Did you know that Queenstown is home to one of the most colorful and eclectic spots in the entire city? That's right, folks, I'm talking about The Bead Shop! Imagine walking into a treasure trove where every bead has its own story.\n\nNow, here's a gem of a tale for you: The Bead Shop started over two decades ago in a tiny corner of Queenstown, born from the owner's passion for unique jewelry. Back then, it was just a shelf or two of beads, but now it’s evolved into a full-blown wonderland of color and creativity.\n\nSpeaking of creativity, take a look around. Notice the vast array of beads, from glass and wood to silver and gemstone. Can you find the smallest bead in the store? It’s a fun challenge and trust me, it’s tiny! This shop is a haven not just for jewelry makers, but for anyone who loves a little DIY.\n\nInteresting tidbit: Many of these beads are sustainably sourced and some even come from local New Zealand artisans. You could be holding a piece of Maori craftsmanship in your hands.\n\nLet your senses soak in the vibrant colors and textures. See how the light dances off the beads, each one whispering its own potential to be turned into a cherished piece of art.\n\n","type":"text"},{"content":"And with that, I'll leave you to explore. Happy beading and may your creativity shine as brightly as these wonderful little gems! Once your done bringing your creative spot to life, we wil head off to our next stop which is sure to make our stomachs happy!","type":"text"}]},{"address":"Margo's Queenstown","location":{"latitude":-45.032116015898076,"longitudeDelta":0.1469051152118861,"longitude":168.660997,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421},"placeId":null,"media":[{"content":{"place_id":"ChIJxW7uCzsd1akRLc02ZsnSMLk","plus_code":{"compound_code":"XM96+59 Queenstown, Otago, New Zealand","global_code":"4V6CXM96+59"},"address_components":[{"long_name":"26","short_name":"26","types":["street_number"]},{"short_name":"Ballarat St","types":["route"],"long_name":"Ballarat Street"},{"long_name":"The Mall","types":["political","sublocality","sublocality_level_1"],"short_name":"The Mall"},{"types":["locality","political"],"long_name":"Queenstown","short_name":"Queenstown"},{"short_name":"Otago","types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"long_name":"Otago"},{"long_name":"New Zealand","types":["country","political"],"short_name":"NZ"},{"types":["postal_code"],"short_name":"9300","long_name":"9300"}],"formatted_address":"26 Ballarat Street, The Mall, Queenstown 9300, New Zealand","types":["establishment","food","point_of_interest","restaurant"],"geometry":{"location_type":"ROOFTOP","location":{"lng":168.660997,"lat":-45.03211599999999},"viewport":{"east":168.6623459802915,"west":168.6596480197085,"south":-45.03346498029149,"north":-45.03076701970849}},"partial_match":true},"type":"place"},{"content":"https://www.margos.co.nz/menu/","type":"link","title":"Menu"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2F_MG_8657-web_E8184FC5-7A13-4A2A-8407A82DA01B9610_dcaf9339-1627-4831-81855b827e77c39f.jpg?alt=media&token=52a89e8c-aed1-454e-a0bb-5a215edfee61","type":"img"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2FBar_.jpg?alt=media&token=94720160-25a8-4842-8919-247a6409f816","type":"img"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2Falways-a-good-time-at.jpg?alt=media&token=8ca2010c-f7a0-412c-bf91-37bf28977702","type":"img"},{"content":"Welcome to Margo's Queenstown, one of the best-kept secrets in this wonderful town. I bet you didn't know that this place used to be a famous hot spot for locals back in the day. As a tour guide, I have witnessed so many visitors walk past this little gem without giving it much thought, but let me tell you, it's worth the visit.\n\nAs the saying goes, \"good things come in small packages,\" and this stop perfectly aligns with this. There's something special about Margo's Queenstown that simply can't be replicated anywhere else. I once heard someone describe this place as a mini oasis in the heart of town - and they weren't wrong. The stunning view from the top, surrounded by mountains and a flowing river, makes it the perfect spot to take a break and let the tranquillity wash over you.\n\nIt's hard to believe that such a peaceful place packed with so much rich history is right here in Queenstown. The stop offers everything - history, culture, stunning landscapes, and a well-deserved rest, just a stone's throw from the hustle and bustle of town.\n\nWhilst spending time here, don't forget to take a few moments and indulge in the natural beauty that surrounds you. Take in the rustling of the trees, the sound of the flowing river, and breathe in the crisp air - It's sure to rejuvenate you for the rest of the journey.\n\nI hope this little piece of paradise has gotten you excited about what else Queenstown has to offer. If you're ready to keep trekking, let's move on. But if you're not, there's no rush. Take your time, enjoy the silence, and let me know when you're ready to continue our journey.\n\n","type":"text"}]},{"address":"LyLo Queenstown","location":{"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"longitude":168.65993044999996,"latitude":-45.03033661589713,"longitudeDelta":0.17456507414299438},"placeId":"ChIJaXywxoMd1akR0gXhDZZUyQs","media":[{"content":{"place_id":"ChIJaXywxoMd1akR0gXhDZZUyQs"},"type":"place"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2Flylo%20q21.jpg?alt=media&token=a047f01f-3591-488b-9d68-62040447715b","type":"img"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2Flylo%20q22.jpg?alt=media&token=def9c618-1060-4652-aae8-b7f8d17f7bef","type":"img"},{"content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F26yvJ4g5XuUoOxv5kf5R%2Flylo%20q23.jpg?alt=media&token=78bca6be-10e2-4747-8a48-9a386d6a8a4c","type":"img"},{"content":"Welcome to LyLo Queenstown, a place where you can find both style and comfort to rest your weary heads. It fills my heart with joy to share with you that this local favorite is beloved by backpackers and budget travelers alike. As a seasoned guide in Queenstown, I can assure you that LyLo Queenstown is undoubtedly one of the finest places in town to find solace.\n\nThere's a wise saying that resonates deeply with me, \"A good night's sleep makes everything better.\" And believe me when I say that LyLo Queenstown provides just that. You will find a peaceful and spotlessly clean environment here, equipped with all the amenities you may require during your stay in our enchanting Queenstown.\n\nWhat truly sets this haven apart is its location, perfectly showcasing the very essence of Queenstown. Right at the heart of the city, you'll find the best restaurants, bars, and shops just a hop, skip, and a jump away. I always urge my visitors to savor a leisurely stroll, capturing endless photos and basking in the sheer beauty Queenstown has to offer.\n\nAdventurers, take your time to unwind in the cozy atmosphere of LyLo Queenstown. Immerse yourself in the tranquility it offers, letting your spirit rejuvenate.\n\nI want to extend my deepest thanks for embarking on this adventure with me. It has been an honor guiding you through the wonders of Queenstown, and I hope memories made here will always hold a special place in your heart.\n\n","type":"text"}]}]
A. LyLo Queenstown
LyLo Queenstown
0.0 km
B. Skyline Queenstown
Skyline Queenstown
0.0 km
C. AJ Hackett Ledge Bungy & Swing
AJ Hackett Ledge Bungy & Swing
0.0 km
D. Skyline Luge
Skyline Luge
0.0 km
E. Queenstown Ice Bar
Queenstown Ice Bar
0.0 km
F. The Bead Shop
The Bead Shop
0.0 km
G. Margo's Queenstown
Margo's Queenstown
0.0 km
H. LyLo Queenstown
LyLo Queenstown
Travel Modes in Directions
  • Self-Guided experience
  • Run anytime, anywhere, 24/7, with your own phone
  • Self-Guided experience
  • Additional expenses such as food and drink
  • Transport
Meet Your Guide
LyLo Queenstown
New Zealand

Explore Queenstown's breathtaking landscapes and rich history with our guided walking tours, where Lylo Queenstown provides the perfect base for an unforgettable journey through the town's captivating sights and hidden gems.

Meet Your Guide
LyLo Queenstown
New Zealand

Explore Queenstown's breathtaking landscapes and rich history with our guided walking tours, where Lylo Queenstown provides the perfect base for an unforgettable journey through the town's captivating sights and hidden gems.

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