Super Tour
Family Day Out In Canberra
Family Day Out In Canberra
Enjoy a Family Day Out in Canberra filled with fun and adventure for all ages! Explore the city’s attractions, from beautiful parks and scenic spots to engaging activities and delicious dining. Whether you’re looking for outdoor fun or cultural experiences, Canberra offers something for everyone to create lasting family memories.
moreEnjoy a Family Day Out in Canberra filled with fun and adventure for all ages! Explore the city’s attractions, from beautiful parks and scenic spots to engaging activities and delicious dining. Whether you’re looking for outdoor fun or cultural experiences, Canberra offers something for everyone to create lasting family memories.
[{"address":"Novotel Canberra","ttsFile":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ftts_0.mp3?alt=media&token=1620ddc8-9da7-4630-8017-5a418045383b","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1358411316394428,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-35.27788306123466,"longitude":149.1286908},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"formatted_address":"65 Northbourne Ave, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia","types":["establishment","lodging","point_of_interest"],"geometry":{"viewport":{"east":149.1300397802915,"south":-35.2792320302915,"north":-35.2765340697085,"west":149.1273418197085},"location":{"lng":149.1289097,"lat":-35.2774657},"location_type":"ROOFTOP"},"address_components":[{"types":["street_number"],"short_name":"65","long_name":"65"},{"types":["route"],"short_name":"Northbourne Ave","long_name":"Northbourne Avenue"},{"types":["locality","political"],"short_name":"Canberra","long_name":"Canberra"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"short_name":"ACT","long_name":"Australian Capital Territory"},{"types":["country","political"],"short_name":"AU","long_name":"Australia"},{"types":["postal_code"],"short_name":"2601","long_name":"2601"}],"plus_code":{"compound_code":"P4FH+2H Canberra ACT, Australia","global_code":"4RPFP4FH+2H"},"place_id":"ChIJL3om2WdNFmsR0-jqbI9e7IA"}},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ffirst-edition-canberra-buffet-breakfast-00-1-2200x1200.jpg?alt=media&token=067e171a-9e70-4fca-b9b6-73ff790308cf"},{"type":"text","content":"Good morning! Start your day right with a delicious breakfast at our restaurant First Edition, perfect for fueling up before a big day of exploring the city."},{"type":"text","content":"Feel free to explore at your own pace and choose the stops that interest you the most. There's no rush—if you want to spend extra time at a certain stop or even skip others, that's totally fine. This is your journey, so make it your own and enjoy the experience.\n\nOnce you've enjoyed your breakfast and the family is ready let us head to our first stop!"}]},{"address":"Questacon - National Science and Technology Centre","ttsFile":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ftts_1.mp3?alt=media&token=0e54498a-70eb-4e4e-b4ef-c6be0fb6cd70","placeId":"ChIJeb_-XhdNFmsR5ZuDF8x3UFw","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14475378507279993,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-35.29819136124312,"longitude":149.13102455000003},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"place_id":"ChIJeb_-XhdNFmsR5ZuDF8x3UFw"}},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ffree-fall-at-questacon-canberra.jpg?alt=media&token=5823eda3-6b8e-464e-b8db-d2f5f82a0f56"},{"type":"text","content":"Did you know Questacon is home to over 200 interactive exhibits that have sparked imaginations since 1988? As we dive into this world of wonder, let me share a fascinating tidbit about Questacon's origins. It all started with a whirlwind idea from Professor Mike Gore, who wanted to ignite a passion for science in young Aussies. Talk about a Eureka moment!"},{"type":"text","content":"Now, here's a thought to ponder: Have you ever wondered how an earthquake feels? No worries, Questacon will shake things up letting you experience the Earth trembling, all in a safe environment. It's a thrilling sensation without the real danger—perfect for the curious mind!\n\nAs you wander through the exhibits, see if you can spot the 3D printed model of a bionic eye—a peek into the future where technology and human senses merge seamlessly. It's not just science fiction anymore; it's science in action right here in Canberra.\n\nPicture this: the Foyer is buzzing with the sound of children's laughter, the futuristic gleam of interactive screens mixed with traditional scientific marvels. It's an atmosphere where curiosity thrives, and every turn brings a surprise.\n\nBefore I let you explore, here's a little personal note—you can't leave without trying the lightning experience. It’ll leave your hair standing on end, quite literally! Enjoy your adventure, and remember, science is more than just facts; it's a journey of endless possibilities.\n\nTo truly experience Questacon, you'll want to spend at least 3-4 hours here. There’s also a café nearby for a quick break if you need to recharge.\n\n"}]},{"address":"National Arboretum Canberra","ttsFile":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ftts_2.mp3?alt=media&token=24dc8420-b9fc-4c83-a175-c1025994c002","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1358411316394428,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-35.28785761123878,"longitude":149.06909729999998},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"place_id":"ChIJyeout2VeNAARo8dTDDhVS3Y"}},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2F1200px-Canberra_National_Arboretum_with_Telstra_Tower_2%2C_Canberra_ACT.jpg?alt=media&token=e229560e-55df-497d-821e-5eab1fbd5da8"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2FYXNzZXRzL3Byb2plY3RzL25hdGlvbmFsLWFyYm9yZXR1bS9OYXRpb25hbC1BcmJvcmV0dW1fVGF5bG9yLUN1bGxpdHktTGV0aGxlYW5fQ292ZXIuanBn.jpg?alt=media&token=bf7f851e-0b0b-43cd-97e1-3c0bc69e2de1"},{"type":"text","content":"Welcome to the National Arboretum Canberra! Imagine you're standing in a vast park filled with over 44,000 rare and endangered trees from around the world. It's not just a beautiful spot; it’s a hub for conservation, science, and fun!\n\nDid you know? The National Arboretum Canberra is home to one of the largest living collections of rare and endangered trees in the world—right here in Canberra!\n\nAfter the devastating 2003 bushfires, this area was transformed into a symbol of resilience and renewal. It’s now a stunning arboretum where every tree has a story.\n\nChallenge time! As you wander, see if you can spot the Dragon Tree with its thick, scaly trunk—it looks like something from a fairy tale! Or try crushing a Peppermint Gum leaf and sniffing the refreshing scent; it’s nature’s pick-me-up.\n\nAnd here’s a fun fact: this place boasts the largest cork oak plantation in the Southern Hemisphere—imagine, a little bit of Portugal right here in Australia!\n\nSo keep your eyes open and your curiosity alive. There’s always something new to discover at the National Arboretum Canberra!\n\n"}]},{"address":"Pod Playground","ttsFile":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ftts_3.mp3?alt=media&token=9d142c9f-50a6-407a-902e-a76f80df30e1","placeId":"ChIJVbDouPyyF2sRBg1VTtsG9eQ","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14475378507279993,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-35.287223111238546,"longitude":149.06861150000003},"media":[{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Fpod_playground_Canberra.jpg?alt=media&token=05ec5a84-bfbb-41ce-95c0-954190910625"},{"type":"text","content":"Located next to the National Arboretum information centre with toilets and cafe. It's the perfect spot to stop for lunch with unbeatable picturesque views over the capital.\n\nHave you ever felt like you've entered a world of giant alien flora? That's exactly what the Pod Playground at National Arboretum Canberra feels like! This whimsical world was artistically inspired by a native Australian seed pod—a delightful homage to our unique local flora. Designed by landscape architect Jeavons Landscape Architects, it cleverly mirrors nature's mysterious beauty intertwined with a touch of adventure.\n\nNow, look around! Have you noticed the intricate patterns on the structures? These resemble various seed pods, inviting anyone—from playful kids to curious adults—to explore and reconnect with nature in a most imaginative way. Take a moment to imagine yourself as a tiny creature amidst these enormous pods. Quite a perspective shift, isn’t it?\n\nWhat many might not realise is that every element of the Pod Playground is handcrafted from sustainable materials, with the grand mission of nurturing an eco-conscious mindset among young explorers. The slides, swings, and climbing nets—each element invites a tactile experience that fuels both imagination and appreciation for our environment.\n\nAs I wander through this vibrant space, I'm reminded of how childhood playtime used to be, climbing trees, scraping knees—only now with an artistic twist that brings out the child in all of us. So, feast your eyes on the artistic design and unleash your inner child, I hope the Pod Playground plants a seed of joy and curiosity!\n\n"}]},{"address":"Canberra Reptile Zoo","ttsFile":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ftts_4.mp3?alt=media&token=2316376d-4486-4715-af49-945a994eb675","placeId":"ChIJ3-3u4L2sF2sRBtM8CRuvpsQ","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14475378507279993,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-35.19068601119846,"longitude":149.08276375},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"place_id":"ChIJ3-3u4L2sF2sRBtM8CRuvpsQ"}},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Fcanberra-reptile-zoo-snake.jpg?alt=media&token=a4e916be-7cf4-460f-ada1-21e38f35878a"},{"type":"text","content":"Did you know that reptiles have been around for over 300 million years? That's a mind-boggling history, and here at Canberra Reptile Zoo, we're diving straight into that wonder with you! Picture this: a lush, vivacious habitat where scales gleam under the dazzling sunlight and the air thrums with a symphony of croaks and hisses.\n\nNow, here's a little challenge for the brave at heart–can you spot the shy thorny devil hiding among the rocks? They're experts at camouflage, so use your keen eyes! It's like a living game of hide and seek.\n\nThe zoo also has a fascinating tale that the kids might enjoy. Once upon a time, the zoo's resident saltwater crocodile, named Smiles, decided to play hide and seek of his own, almost giving the zookeepers a run for their money by staying utterly still for hours. Talk about suspense!\n\nHere’s a fun tidbit: many visitors don't know that some reptiles here are real-life math wizards. Take the bearded dragon, for instance—they can actually count to three! It's not quite calculus, but we're still impressed"},{"type":"text","content":"."}]},{"address":"Canberra Walk-In Aviary","ttsFile":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ftts_5.mp3?alt=media&token=b442d99a-ba15-4c19-919f-191291ee056b","placeId":"ChIJQct3SrysF2sRBX0Y_akuOKc","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14475378507279993,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-35.19032071119828,"longitude":149.08408999999995},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"place_id":"ChIJQct3SrysF2sRBX0Y_akuOKc"}},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Fcanberra-walk-in-bird-aviary.jpg?alt=media&token=33304349-cabd-4016-9a0d-6c6c694af30d"},{"type":"text","content":"Did you know that the Canberra Walk-In Aviary is home to over 500 birds from more than 60 species? As we wander through this lush sanctuary, remember—it’s not just about seeing the birds but also hearing their vibrant chatter and feeling the rush of wings as they take flight nearby.\n\nNow, picture a kaleidoscope of colors fluttering around you—brilliant reds, dazzling blues, and exotic greens from the likes of rainbow lorikeets and king parrots. It's a vibrant feast for the eyes and a perfect photo opportunity.\n\nAs we soak in this avian wonderland, remember to spot the elusive Regent Honeyeater. With only about 800 left in the wild, seeing one up close is like spotting the star of our avian show!\n\nAs we wrap up our visit, don't forget that these feathered friends, like the aviary, have unique personalities just like us. Reflect on which bird had the best sense of humour today! Enjoy your day, and may it be as colourful and lively as this aviary visit!\n\n"}]},{"address":"FIRST EDITION CANBERRA","ttsFile":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ftts_6.mp3?alt=media&token=3657a24b-0c9f-45ea-90ba-13518c7b4718","placeId":"ChIJS1cK3mdNFmsRZclj0cOSenw","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.18593639059244998,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-35.27754381123455,"longitude":149.12902100000005},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"place_id":"ChIJS1cK3mdNFmsRZclj0cOSenw"}},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ffirst%20edition%201.jpeg?alt=media&token=382c76a5-60c5-41f8-bdbb-2295089b54bb"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ffirst%20edition%202.jpeg?alt=media&token=23776924-2d21-4863-b8d1-47974195391c"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ffirst%20edition.jpeg?alt=media&token=149a3bda-6cb1-4980-b463-ce9b3df4fdc8"},{"type":"text","content":"Welcome to **First Edition Canberra** at the Novotel! This is the perfect spot to unwind after a day of adventure."},{"type":"text","content":"For the kids, there’s a fantastic **Kids Menu** featuring favourites like chicken tenders, fish and chips, and mini burgers. And for the adults, relax with a local wine or a specialty cocktail from the bar."},{"type":"text","content":"Don’t forget to try one of their desserts, like ice cream sundaes or chocolate brownies—a delicious way to end the day!"},{"type":"text","content":"Enjoy the great food, friendly atmosphere, and beautiful views of Canberra's city streets. Thanks for joining us today, and we hope you had a wonderful time!"}]}]
times run
Enjoy a Family Day Out in Canberra filled with fun and adventure for all ages! Explore the city’s attractions, from beautiful parks and scenic spots to engaging activities and delicious dining. Whether you’re looking for outdoor fun or cultural experiences, Canberra offers something for everyone to create lasting family memories.
0 kms
A. Novotel Canberra
Novotel Canberra
0.0 km
B. Questacon - National Science and Technology Centre
Questacon - National Science and Technology Centre
0.0 km
C. National Arboretum Canberra
National Arboretum Canberra
0.0 km
D. Pod Playground
Pod Playground
0.0 km
E. Canberra Reptile Zoo
Canberra Reptile Zoo
0.0 km
F. Canberra Walk-In Aviary
Canberra Walk-In Aviary
0.0 km
Start Location
Novotel Canberra
🏙️ City
🤪 Fun
🚸 Children
👪 Family
👶 Parenting
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On-tour Inclusion and Exclusion
Anytime, Anywhere
Creates by locals
Photo-taking assist
Video-taking assist
Drinking water
Sunglass and skin sunblock
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[{"address":"Novotel Canberra","ttsFile":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ftts_0.mp3?alt=media&token=1620ddc8-9da7-4630-8017-5a418045383b","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1358411316394428,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-35.27788306123466,"longitude":149.1286908},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"formatted_address":"65 Northbourne Ave, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia","types":["establishment","lodging","point_of_interest"],"geometry":{"viewport":{"east":149.1300397802915,"south":-35.2792320302915,"north":-35.2765340697085,"west":149.1273418197085},"location":{"lng":149.1289097,"lat":-35.2774657},"location_type":"ROOFTOP"},"address_components":[{"types":["street_number"],"short_name":"65","long_name":"65"},{"types":["route"],"short_name":"Northbourne Ave","long_name":"Northbourne Avenue"},{"types":["locality","political"],"short_name":"Canberra","long_name":"Canberra"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"short_name":"ACT","long_name":"Australian Capital Territory"},{"types":["country","political"],"short_name":"AU","long_name":"Australia"},{"types":["postal_code"],"short_name":"2601","long_name":"2601"}],"plus_code":{"compound_code":"P4FH+2H Canberra ACT, Australia","global_code":"4RPFP4FH+2H"},"place_id":"ChIJL3om2WdNFmsR0-jqbI9e7IA"}},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ffirst-edition-canberra-buffet-breakfast-00-1-2200x1200.jpg?alt=media&token=067e171a-9e70-4fca-b9b6-73ff790308cf"},{"type":"text","content":"Good morning! Start your day right with a delicious breakfast at our restaurant First Edition, perfect for fueling up before a big day of exploring the city."},{"type":"text","content":"Feel free to explore at your own pace and choose the stops that interest you the most. There's no rush—if you want to spend extra time at a certain stop or even skip others, that's totally fine. This is your journey, so make it your own and enjoy the experience.\n\nOnce you've enjoyed your breakfast and the family is ready let us head to our first stop!"}]},{"address":"Questacon - National Science and Technology Centre","ttsFile":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ftts_1.mp3?alt=media&token=0e54498a-70eb-4e4e-b4ef-c6be0fb6cd70","placeId":"ChIJeb_-XhdNFmsR5ZuDF8x3UFw","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14475378507279993,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-35.29819136124312,"longitude":149.13102455000003},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"place_id":"ChIJeb_-XhdNFmsR5ZuDF8x3UFw"}},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ffree-fall-at-questacon-canberra.jpg?alt=media&token=5823eda3-6b8e-464e-b8db-d2f5f82a0f56"},{"type":"text","content":"Did you know Questacon is home to over 200 interactive exhibits that have sparked imaginations since 1988? As we dive into this world of wonder, let me share a fascinating tidbit about Questacon's origins. It all started with a whirlwind idea from Professor Mike Gore, who wanted to ignite a passion for science in young Aussies. Talk about a Eureka moment!"},{"type":"text","content":"Now, here's a thought to ponder: Have you ever wondered how an earthquake feels? No worries, Questacon will shake things up letting you experience the Earth trembling, all in a safe environment. It's a thrilling sensation without the real danger—perfect for the curious mind!\n\nAs you wander through the exhibits, see if you can spot the 3D printed model of a bionic eye—a peek into the future where technology and human senses merge seamlessly. It's not just science fiction anymore; it's science in action right here in Canberra.\n\nPicture this: the Foyer is buzzing with the sound of children's laughter, the futuristic gleam of interactive screens mixed with traditional scientific marvels. It's an atmosphere where curiosity thrives, and every turn brings a surprise.\n\nBefore I let you explore, here's a little personal note—you can't leave without trying the lightning experience. It’ll leave your hair standing on end, quite literally! Enjoy your adventure, and remember, science is more than just facts; it's a journey of endless possibilities.\n\nTo truly experience Questacon, you'll want to spend at least 3-4 hours here. There’s also a café nearby for a quick break if you need to recharge.\n\n"}]},{"address":"National Arboretum Canberra","ttsFile":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ftts_2.mp3?alt=media&token=24dc8420-b9fc-4c83-a175-c1025994c002","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1358411316394428,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-35.28785761123878,"longitude":149.06909729999998},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"place_id":"ChIJyeout2VeNAARo8dTDDhVS3Y"}},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2F1200px-Canberra_National_Arboretum_with_Telstra_Tower_2%2C_Canberra_ACT.jpg?alt=media&token=e229560e-55df-497d-821e-5eab1fbd5da8"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2FYXNzZXRzL3Byb2plY3RzL25hdGlvbmFsLWFyYm9yZXR1bS9OYXRpb25hbC1BcmJvcmV0dW1fVGF5bG9yLUN1bGxpdHktTGV0aGxlYW5fQ292ZXIuanBn.jpg?alt=media&token=bf7f851e-0b0b-43cd-97e1-3c0bc69e2de1"},{"type":"text","content":"Welcome to the National Arboretum Canberra! Imagine you're standing in a vast park filled with over 44,000 rare and endangered trees from around the world. It's not just a beautiful spot; it’s a hub for conservation, science, and fun!\n\nDid you know? The National Arboretum Canberra is home to one of the largest living collections of rare and endangered trees in the world—right here in Canberra!\n\nAfter the devastating 2003 bushfires, this area was transformed into a symbol of resilience and renewal. It’s now a stunning arboretum where every tree has a story.\n\nChallenge time! As you wander, see if you can spot the Dragon Tree with its thick, scaly trunk—it looks like something from a fairy tale! Or try crushing a Peppermint Gum leaf and sniffing the refreshing scent; it’s nature’s pick-me-up.\n\nAnd here’s a fun fact: this place boasts the largest cork oak plantation in the Southern Hemisphere—imagine, a little bit of Portugal right here in Australia!\n\nSo keep your eyes open and your curiosity alive. There’s always something new to discover at the National Arboretum Canberra!\n\n"}]},{"address":"Pod Playground","ttsFile":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ftts_3.mp3?alt=media&token=9d142c9f-50a6-407a-902e-a76f80df30e1","placeId":"ChIJVbDouPyyF2sRBg1VTtsG9eQ","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14475378507279993,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-35.287223111238546,"longitude":149.06861150000003},"media":[{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Fpod_playground_Canberra.jpg?alt=media&token=05ec5a84-bfbb-41ce-95c0-954190910625"},{"type":"text","content":"Located next to the National Arboretum information centre with toilets and cafe. It's the perfect spot to stop for lunch with unbeatable picturesque views over the capital.\n\nHave you ever felt like you've entered a world of giant alien flora? That's exactly what the Pod Playground at National Arboretum Canberra feels like! This whimsical world was artistically inspired by a native Australian seed pod—a delightful homage to our unique local flora. Designed by landscape architect Jeavons Landscape Architects, it cleverly mirrors nature's mysterious beauty intertwined with a touch of adventure.\n\nNow, look around! Have you noticed the intricate patterns on the structures? These resemble various seed pods, inviting anyone—from playful kids to curious adults—to explore and reconnect with nature in a most imaginative way. Take a moment to imagine yourself as a tiny creature amidst these enormous pods. Quite a perspective shift, isn’t it?\n\nWhat many might not realise is that every element of the Pod Playground is handcrafted from sustainable materials, with the grand mission of nurturing an eco-conscious mindset among young explorers. The slides, swings, and climbing nets—each element invites a tactile experience that fuels both imagination and appreciation for our environment.\n\nAs I wander through this vibrant space, I'm reminded of how childhood playtime used to be, climbing trees, scraping knees—only now with an artistic twist that brings out the child in all of us. So, feast your eyes on the artistic design and unleash your inner child, I hope the Pod Playground plants a seed of joy and curiosity!\n\n"}]},{"address":"Canberra Reptile Zoo","ttsFile":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ftts_4.mp3?alt=media&token=2316376d-4486-4715-af49-945a994eb675","placeId":"ChIJ3-3u4L2sF2sRBtM8CRuvpsQ","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14475378507279993,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-35.19068601119846,"longitude":149.08276375},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"place_id":"ChIJ3-3u4L2sF2sRBtM8CRuvpsQ"}},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Fcanberra-reptile-zoo-snake.jpg?alt=media&token=a4e916be-7cf4-460f-ada1-21e38f35878a"},{"type":"text","content":"Did you know that reptiles have been around for over 300 million years? That's a mind-boggling history, and here at Canberra Reptile Zoo, we're diving straight into that wonder with you! Picture this: a lush, vivacious habitat where scales gleam under the dazzling sunlight and the air thrums with a symphony of croaks and hisses.\n\nNow, here's a little challenge for the brave at heart–can you spot the shy thorny devil hiding among the rocks? They're experts at camouflage, so use your keen eyes! It's like a living game of hide and seek.\n\nThe zoo also has a fascinating tale that the kids might enjoy. Once upon a time, the zoo's resident saltwater crocodile, named Smiles, decided to play hide and seek of his own, almost giving the zookeepers a run for their money by staying utterly still for hours. Talk about suspense!\n\nHere’s a fun tidbit: many visitors don't know that some reptiles here are real-life math wizards. Take the bearded dragon, for instance—they can actually count to three! It's not quite calculus, but we're still impressed"},{"type":"text","content":"."}]},{"address":"Canberra Walk-In Aviary","ttsFile":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ftts_5.mp3?alt=media&token=b442d99a-ba15-4c19-919f-191291ee056b","placeId":"ChIJQct3SrysF2sRBX0Y_akuOKc","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14475378507279993,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-35.19032071119828,"longitude":149.08408999999995},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"place_id":"ChIJQct3SrysF2sRBX0Y_akuOKc"}},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Fcanberra-walk-in-bird-aviary.jpg?alt=media&token=33304349-cabd-4016-9a0d-6c6c694af30d"},{"type":"text","content":"Did you know that the Canberra Walk-In Aviary is home to over 500 birds from more than 60 species? As we wander through this lush sanctuary, remember—it’s not just about seeing the birds but also hearing their vibrant chatter and feeling the rush of wings as they take flight nearby.\n\nNow, picture a kaleidoscope of colors fluttering around you—brilliant reds, dazzling blues, and exotic greens from the likes of rainbow lorikeets and king parrots. It's a vibrant feast for the eyes and a perfect photo opportunity.\n\nAs we soak in this avian wonderland, remember to spot the elusive Regent Honeyeater. With only about 800 left in the wild, seeing one up close is like spotting the star of our avian show!\n\nAs we wrap up our visit, don't forget that these feathered friends, like the aviary, have unique personalities just like us. Reflect on which bird had the best sense of humour today! Enjoy your day, and may it be as colourful and lively as this aviary visit!\n\n"}]},{"address":"FIRST EDITION CANBERRA","ttsFile":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ftts_6.mp3?alt=media&token=3657a24b-0c9f-45ea-90ba-13518c7b4718","placeId":"ChIJS1cK3mdNFmsRZclj0cOSenw","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.18593639059244998,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-35.27754381123455,"longitude":149.12902100000005},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"place_id":"ChIJS1cK3mdNFmsRZclj0cOSenw"}},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ffirst%20edition%201.jpeg?alt=media&token=382c76a5-60c5-41f8-bdbb-2295089b54bb"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ffirst%20edition%202.jpeg?alt=media&token=23776924-2d21-4863-b8d1-47974195391c"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2F3IYm7eMtNzn9J1Egu2ln%2Ffirst%20edition.jpeg?alt=media&token=149a3bda-6cb1-4980-b463-ce9b3df4fdc8"},{"type":"text","content":"Welcome to **First Edition Canberra** at the Novotel! This is the perfect spot to unwind after a day of adventure."},{"type":"text","content":"For the kids, there’s a fantastic **Kids Menu** featuring favourites like chicken tenders, fish and chips, and mini burgers. And for the adults, relax with a local wine or a specialty cocktail from the bar."},{"type":"text","content":"Don’t forget to try one of their desserts, like ice cream sundaes or chocolate brownies—a delicious way to end the day!"},{"type":"text","content":"Enjoy the great food, friendly atmosphere, and beautiful views of Canberra's city streets. Thanks for joining us today, and we hope you had a wonderful time!"}]}]
A. Novotel Canberra
Novotel Canberra
0.0 km
B. Questacon - National Science and Technology Centre
Questacon - National Science and Technology Centre
0.0 km
C. National Arboretum Canberra
National Arboretum Canberra
0.0 km
D. Pod Playground
Pod Playground
0.0 km
E. Canberra Reptile Zoo
Canberra Reptile Zoo
0.0 km
F. Canberra Walk-In Aviary
Canberra Walk-In Aviary
0.0 km
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