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[{"address":"Dulcie's Kings Cross","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1837850604533638,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.8738026106606,"longitude":151.22361295},"media":[{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FHbfIpRu0KhZPKR5iPOFN%2Fkatie.png?alt=media&token=5f3eb2b8-6740-402a-a1b4-9e79fed92656"},{"type":"place","content":{"formatted_address":"44B Darlinghurst Rd, Potts Point NSW 2011, Australia","types":["bar","establishment","point_of_interest","store"],"partial_match":true,"geometry":{"viewport":{"east":151.2249619302915,"south":-33.8751515802915,"north":-33.8724536197085,"west":151.2222639697085},"location":{"lng":151.2236872,"lat":-33.8738558},"location_type":"ROOFTOP"},"address_components":[{"types":["street_number"],"short_name":"44B","long_name":"44B"},{"types":["route"],"short_name":"Darlinghurst Rd","long_name":"Darlinghurst Road"},{"types":["locality","political"],"short_name":"Potts Point","long_name":"Potts Point"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_2","political"],"short_name":"City of Sydney","long_name":"City of Sydney"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"short_name":"NSW","long_name":"New South Wales"},{"types":["country","political"],"short_name":"AU","long_name":"Australia"},{"types":["postal_code"],"short_name":"2011","long_name":"2011"}],"plus_code":{"compound_code":"46GF+FF Potts Point NSW, Australia","global_code":"4RRH46GF+FF"},"place_id":"ChIJkYXMJsmvEmsRXy2lgCAk8qM"}},{"type":"text","content":"Greetings, fellow explorers! I'm Katie, your enthusiastic guide for the \"Exploring Kings Cross Quarter\" tour, and I'm delighted to lead you through a journey of history, culture, and captivating experiences. Get ready to immerse yourself in the spirit of Kings Cross Quarter as we uncover hidden gems, indulge in timeless elegance, and savour the flavours that define this remarkable corner of the world. Let's set off on an adventure that promises to awaken your senses and ignite your curiosity."},{"type":"text","content":"Our first stop transports us to the stylish underground haven known as Dulcie's Kings Cross. Paying tribute to the legendary party girl Dulcie Deamer, this cocktail lounge exudes the spirit of the 1920s. As we step inside, prepare to be enchanted by the ambience that harkens back to a bygone era. Classic cocktails take centre stage, mixed exclusively with Australian-made spirits, infusing each drink with a touch of local elegance. But the experience doesn't end there โ€“ cabaret and burlesque performances, as well as retro cinema screenings, grace the bar's in-house stage. Dulcie's Kings Cross is more than just a lounge; it's a journey into the past that promises to captivate and delight."}]},{"address":"Kings Cross Hotel","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1837850604533638,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.87493486066105,"longitude":151.22217015},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"types":["bar","establishment","food","point_of_interest","restaurant"],"formatted_address":"244-248 William St, Potts Point NSW 2011, Australia","partial_match":true,"geometry":{"viewport":{"east":151.2235191302915,"south":-33.87628383029151,"north":-33.87358586970851,"west":151.2208211697085},"location":{"lng":151.2220452,"lat":-33.8749029},"location_type":"ROOFTOP"},"address_components":[{"types":["street_number"],"short_name":"244-248","long_name":"244-248"},{"types":["route"],"short_name":"William St","long_name":"William Street"},{"types":["locality","political"],"short_name":"Potts Point","long_name":"Potts Point"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_2","political"],"short_name":"City of Sydney","long_name":"City of Sydney"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"short_name":"NSW","long_name":"New South Wales"},{"types":["country","political"],"short_name":"AU","long_name":"Australia"},{"types":["postal_code"],"short_name":"2011","long_name":"2011"}],"plus_code":{"compound_code":"46GC+2R Potts Point NSW, Australia","global_code":"4RRH46GC+2R"},"place_id":"ChIJ_Zmujw2uEmsRAaqIm1aG_8E"}},{"type":"text","content":"Our adventure then leads us to the monumental Kings Cross Hotel, a towering presence that has watched over the Cross since 1915. Situated at the crossroads of Darlinghurst Road, Bayswater Road, William Street, and Victoria Street, this six-storey brick faรงade holds a century's worth of stories. More than just a pub, the Kings Cross Hotel is a beloved landmark that has evolved with the times. With a history that spans generations, it stands as an icon of the area, offering not just refreshments, but also a space for performances and gatherings that bring the community together."}]},{"address":"Ezra","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1837850604533638,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.87430986066078,"longitude":151.2239845},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"name":"Ezra","html_attributions":[],"geometry":{"viewport":{"east":151.2253334802915,"south":-33.87565883029149,"north":-33.8729608697085,"west":151.2226355197085},"location":{"lng":151.2239622,"lat":-33.8744308}},"place_id":"ChIJdcsDcZCvEmsRvbsnrgNrUGw"}},{"type":"text","content":"Our final destination is the elegant Ezra, a restaurant that beckons with the promise of a culinary journey inspired by history. Situated on a street that witnessed the razor wars of 1929, Ezra pays homage to the past while celebrating a fusion of Ashkenazi, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern flavours inspired by Tel Aviv. Step into the stylishly appointed Federation-era townhouse and let your senses be transported by the eclectic mix of tastes that dance on your palate. It's a celebration of culture and history, where every bite carries a story and every dish reflects the essence of Kings Cross Quarter."}]}]
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  • Run anytime, anywhere, 24/7, with your own phone
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Meet Your Guide
King's Cross Quarter

KXQ: Where history meets the 21st century in Kings Cross, Sydney. A vibrant precinct igniting the nightlife scene with art, culture, music, and exceptional hospitality. Experience the All Night Spot! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŽจ๐ŸŽถ

Meet Your Guide
King's Cross Quarter

KXQ: Where history meets the 21st century in Kings Cross, Sydney. A vibrant precinct igniting the nightlife scene with art, culture, music, and exceptional hospitality. Experience the All Night Spot! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŽจ๐ŸŽถ

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