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[{"address":"Bear's","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1837850604533638,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.88317921066431,"longitude":151.20678505},"media":[{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FyeprSlyrYTWrkyedB6E5%2Fkatie.png?alt=media&token=f5666b5f-64de-455f-9e6d-c8f92744fa9a"},{"type":"place","content":{"types":["bar","establishment","food","point_of_interest","restaurant"],"formatted_address":"1401 Fairfield Ave, Shreveport, LA 71101, USA","partial_match":true,"geometry":{"viewport":{"east":-93.75096461970848,"south":32.4975473197085,"north":32.5002452802915,"west":-93.7536625802915},"location":{"lng":-93.7521963,"lat":32.4988858},"location_type":"ROOFTOP"},"address_components":[{"types":["street_number"],"short_name":"1401","long_name":"1401"},{"types":["route"],"short_name":"Fairfield Ave","long_name":"Fairfield Avenue"},{"types":["neighborhood","political"],"short_name":"Highland, Stoner Hill","long_name":"Highland, Stoner Hill"},{"types":["locality","political"],"short_name":"Shreveport","long_name":"Shreveport"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_2","political"],"short_name":"Caddo Parish","long_name":"Caddo Parish"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"short_name":"LA","long_name":"Louisiana"},{"types":["country","political"],"short_name":"US","long_name":"United States"},{"types":["postal_code"],"short_name":"71101","long_name":"71101"}],"plus_code":{"compound_code":"F6XX+H4 Shreveport, LA, USA","global_code":"8648F6XX+H4"},"place_id":"ChIJBdV3yUjNNoYRUSkyXaO0HGs"}},{"type":"text","content":"Greetings, fellow explorers! I'm Katie, your dedicated guide for the \"Exploring Eddy\" tour, and I couldn't be more excited to take you on this enchanting journey. Are you ready to immerse yourself in the unique charm and creativity of Eddy? Get ready to uncover hidden gems, indulge in exquisite craftsmanship, and savour the flavours of this remarkable district. Let's set off on a captivating adventure through the heart of Eddy!"},{"type":"text","content":"Our first stop is the ultra-cool Bear's, a dive-ish bar that defies expectations. As we step inside, prepare to be enveloped in a welcoming ambiance that delivers low frills and high spirits. The menu boasts Mexican-inspired eats that tantalise your taste buds with a burst of flavours. But it's not just the culinary delights that steal the show – colourful cocktails and live performances create an atmosphere of vibrancy. Music enthusiasts will be delighted by the open jam sessions, jazz melodies, funk rhythms, and disco-centric beats that reverberate through the space. And for a unique Sunday experience, the 'sax 'n' wax' sessions offer a truly memorable encounter with live music. Bear's is more than a bar; it's a haven of creativity, entertainment, and culinary delights that leave a lasting impression."}]},{"address":"Picnic Central (by Condimental)","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1837850604533638,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.88278116066419,"longitude":151.2073028},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"formatted_address":"Shop/14 Eddy Ave, Haymarket NSW 2000, Australia","types":["cafe","establishment","food","point_of_interest","store"],"partial_match":true,"geometry":{"viewport":{"east":151.2086517802915,"south":-33.8841301302915,"north":-33.8814321697085,"west":151.2059538197085},"location":{"lng":151.2071162,"lat":-33.88298899999999},"location_type":"ROOFTOP"},"address_components":[{"types":["subpremise"],"short_name":"Shop","long_name":"Shop"},{"types":["street_number"],"short_name":"14","long_name":"14"},{"types":["route"],"short_name":"Eddy Ave","long_name":"Eddy Avenue"},{"types":["locality","political"],"short_name":"Haymarket","long_name":"Haymarket"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_2","political"],"short_name":"City of Sydney","long_name":"City of Sydney"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"short_name":"NSW","long_name":"New South Wales"},{"types":["country","political"],"short_name":"AU","long_name":"Australia"},{"types":["postal_code"],"short_name":"2000","long_name":"2000"}],"plus_code":{"compound_code":"4684+RR Haymarket NSW, Australia","global_code":"4RRH4684+RR"},"place_id":"ChIJE0rsjnivEmsR98z6imfbfGs"}},{"type":"text","content":"Our journey continues to the elegant showroom known as Picnic Central. Established by furniture entrepreneurs Leigh Johnson and Aaron Zorzo, this showroom is a testament to Australian designers and manufacturers who pride themselves on impeccable craftsmanship. As we step into this haven of creativity, you'll have the chance to witness the diverse talents that shape the artistic landscape of Australia. The showroom offers made-to-order custom pieces that cater to the unique needs of homes, offices, and commercial spaces. Each piece is a fusion of artistry and functionality, reflecting the vision and skill of Australian craftsmen. Prepare to be inspired by the meticulous attention to detail and the seamless blend of design and utility that define Picnic Central."}]},{"address":"Australian Design & Co.","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1837850604533638,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.882160610663924,"longitude":151.20692935},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"name":"Australian Design & Co.","html_attributions":[],"geometry":{"viewport":{"east":151.2082783302915,"south":-33.88350958029149,"north":-33.88081161970849,"west":151.2055803697085},"location":{"lng":151.20695,"lat":-33.88213419999999}},"place_id":"ChIJj4hPu1ZZDWsRciEzBVH9xtg"}},{"type":"text","content":"Our final destination is the charming Australian Design and Co, a hub of delights that cater to your senses and cravings. Step into a world of flavours as you explore a selection of delicious coffee, tea, snacks, condiments, and unique gifts. What sets this place apart is its commitment to supporting local producers. Most of the products hail from small producers based in New South Wales, making it a true showcase of the region's culinary excellence. As you browse through the offerings, you'll connect with like-minded farmers, makers, and adventurous consumers who share a passion for exceptional quality and flavours. Whether you're in search of picnic essentials or seeking a memorable gift, Australian Design and Co has something to satisfy every palate and desire."}]}]
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Meet Your Guide
Eddy Sydney

Explore EDDY, Sydney's revamped Central Station hub. Discover 11 local enterprises, live performances at Bear's Bar, elegant Australian Design & Co. showroom, and tasty treats at Picnic by Condimental. 🚆🛍️🍹

Meet Your Guide
Eddy Sydney

Explore EDDY, Sydney's revamped Central Station hub. Discover 11 local enterprises, live performances at Bear's Bar, elegant Australian Design & Co. showroom, and tasty treats at Picnic by Condimental. 🚆🛍️🍹

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