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[{"address":"Gellért Hill Cave","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1161718275106547,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":47.48481546732109,"longitude":19.05212375},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# **Mystical Underground Wonderland!**"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2Fww.JPG?alt=media&token=059cdeb9-4bdb-4531-b1d7-2a6a0fb29d2b"},{"type":"text","content":"Welcome to Gellért Hill Cave! In front of us is a magnificent cave that's steeped in history and mystery. I bet you didn't know that this cave was actually used as a chapel during medieval times by Hungarian hermits seeking solace. The striking altar carved into the rock is still intact and will take your breath away.\n\nAs a traveller, I've visited many caves, but this one has always held a special place in my heart. The energy of this place is indescribable, and I feel like I'm stepping back in time every time I visit. As a local guide, I know all the hidden gems of this site. If you look closely, you can see a unique statue of St. Stephen in the alcove that's said to have some special powers.\n\n"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2Fwww.jpg?alt=media&token=3739be77-a147-4e6f-9ed0-cd36b0d1c996"},{"type":"text","content":"As the amazing Audrey Hepburn once said,"},{"type":"text","content":"**\"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.\"**"},{"type":"text","content":"And that's what the small garden outside of the cave represents - a tomorrow worth believing in. Take your time exploring the peaceful garden. It's an excellent spot to relax and bask in the beauty of nature."},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2Fw.jpg?alt=media&token=9956ec6e-a507-4a92-a8c4-4fb0e3f99f26"},{"type":"text","content":"Before we move on to our next stop, make sure you leave no stone unturned in the Gellért Hill Cave. You never know what untold secrets you might uncover. Take your time, take in the sights and make some unforgettable memories."},{"type":"text","content":"Opening Hours:\nFriday 9:30 am–7:30 pm\nSaturday 9:30 am–7:30 pm\nSunday Closed\nMonday 9:30 am–7:30 pm\nTuesday 9:30 am–7:30 pm\nWednesday 9:30 am–7:30 pm\nThursday 9:30 am–7:30 pm"},{"type":"link","title":"Location","content":"https://goo.gl/maps/gCHYECpRDrjeNHFUA"}]},{"address":"Central Market Hall","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1161718275106547,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":47.48669881732222,"longitude":19.058878600000025},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# **Vibrant Gastronomic Wonderland!**"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F6.jpg?alt=media&token=200cd748-1c8c-455b-b422-75e7e944a12b"},{"type":"text","content":"Welcome to the Central Market Hall, one of the highlights of our walking tour of Budapest. Get ready to be amazed by the sights, scents and sounds around you. Did you know that this market is the largest and oldest indoor market in the city? It has been the heartbeat of the city's culinary scene since 1897. An exciting fact, isn't it?\n\nAs famous Hungarian writer, Ferenc Karinthy once said,\n\n"},{"type":"text","content":"**\"Walking through the market is like taking a trip around the world without leaving Budapest.\"**"},{"type":"text","content":"He was right. You'll find produce from all around the world in the colorful stalls of this market."},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F66.jpg?alt=media&token=5b7ca671-9d71-46ab-82ea-c5c37453a5b5"},{"type":"text","content":"I love coming here to grab some snacks and people-watch. One of my favorite stories is about the ceiling of the market hall. It was inspired by the Parisian metro line and designed by Gustave Eiffel himself. There's a reason behind its lofty high ceilings - back in the day, merchants stored their goods in cellars underneath the hall, and this design allows for better air and light.\n\nThere are so many hidden gems waiting to be discovered here. From traditional Hungarian ingredients, to handmade crafts, to unique souvenirs. Don't forget to stop by some of the many street food stands and grab a taste of traditional Hungarian cuisine. I recommend trying some freshly made chimney cake, also known as 'kurtoskalacs', a local favorite.\n\n"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F666.jpg?alt=media&token=3f2d3c65-1478-478b-bed1-53d8db97a47a"},{"type":"text","content":"Take your time to explore the market, engage with the vendors, try new foods, and grab some unique souvenirs. The Central Market Hall is the perfect introduction to Hungarian culinary culture, don't miss out on this experience. When you're done, our journey continues. So let's move on to our next stop and see what other secrets the city is hiding."},{"type":"text","content":"Opening Hours:\nFriday 6 am–6 pm\nSaturday 6 am–3 pm\nSunday Closed\nMonday 6 am–5 pm\nTuesday 6 am–6 pm\nWednesday 6 am–6 pm\nThursday 6 am–6 pm\n\nFree Entry\n\n"},{"type":"link","title":"Location","content":"https://goo.gl/maps/X4ZtqQNimjgnH5oh9"}]},{"address":"Rudas Baths","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1161718275106547,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":47.48936406732385,"longitude":19.047341849999988},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# **Relaxation Oasis with History!**"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F8.jpg?alt=media&token=58b64471-fc7b-409f-bd9b-d21795efdd3e"},{"type":"text","content":"Greetings, and welcome to Rudas Baths, a hidden gem of Budapest's cultural history! Did you know that these baths were built by the Ottomans over four hundred years ago? It's amazing that they are still standing today! As a local tour guide, I love helping visitors uncover the hidden secrets of our city, and Rudas Baths is definitely one of those secrets.\n\nLooking around, you'll see a stunning mix of Ottoman and modern architecture that can't be found anywhere else. This unique blend of eastern and western styles makes these baths a must-see for anyone interested in Budapest's cultural heritage. And as soon as you enter, you'll be transported to an oasis of relaxation, with a steam room, sauna, and hot baths to soothe your tired muscles.\n\n"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F88.jpg?alt=media&token=6a92cbb7-b4f0-4d62-9e0d-616836556976"},{"type":"text","content":"There's a saying that goes,"},{"type":"text","content":"**\"When in Budapest, do as the locals do and visit Rudas Baths.\"**"},{"type":"text","content":"It's a unique and captivating experience that you won't find anywhere else. Many visitors don't realize this, but the waters that flow through the baths have healing properties that have been known for centuries. People from all over the world come to Rudas Baths to bathe in their healing waters.\n\nAs you relax and soak in the warm waters, I encourage you to appreciate the intricate tile work that lines the walls and floors. Every inch of this building has a story to tell, and I love sharing these stories with visitors. For example, did you know that numerous historical figures, including Suleiman the Magnificent, have bathed in these same waters?\n\nBefore we move to the next stop, don't forget to take some time to bask in the beauty and serenity of Rudas Baths. Snap some photos, lounge on the warm marble, and enjoy a refreshing drink from the on-site café. And if you're feeling adventurous, you can even try a traditional Hungarian massage.\n\n"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F888.jpg?alt=media&token=3f6ecf89-5cf7-4595-b28d-c14e6d974e62"},{"type":"text","content":"Well, I hope you enjoyed learning about Rudas Baths and that you indulge in all this wonderful attraction has to offer. When you are ready, let's move on to our next exciting stop on our tour of Budapest's most unique and fascinating hidden gems."},{"type":"text","content":"Opening Hours:\nFriday 6 am–8 pm, 10 pm–3 am\nSaturday 6 am–8 pm, 10 pm–3 am\nSunday 6 am–8 pm\nMonday 6 am–8 pm\nTuesday 6 am–8 pm\nWednesday 6 am–8 pm\nThursday 6 am–8 pm\n\nEntry Fee\nDepends on season\n\n"},{"type":"link","title":"About","content":"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudas_Baths"}]},{"address":"Szimpla Kert","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1161718275106547,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":47.49700916732847,"longitude":19.063367400000008},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# **Eccentric Bohemian Oasis!**"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2Fxxx.jpg?alt=media&token=0f247ed0-d094-4ec7-8d4a-eb0b94d42eee"},{"type":"text","content":"Greetings and welcome to Szimpla Kert, one of the most iconic bars in Budapest. Did you know that Szimpla Kert is the first ruin bar in the city? Yes, it's true! This bar has been a pillar of the city's nightlife for almost two decades now. I bet you didn't know that!\n\nAs a local guide, I have seen this place transform from a dilapidated building to the vibrant, quirky bar it is today. The aesthetic of the interior is unique, with upcycled objects and graffiti on the walls. As famous singer Bob Dylan once said,\n\n"},{"type":"text","content":"**\"The times they are a-changin',\" and that rings true for Szimpla Kert. A saying goes, \"If walls could talk,\"**"},{"type":"text","content":"and I imagine the walls of this ruin bar would have some fascinating stories to tell."},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2Fxx.jpg?alt=media&token=830f376e-6d6b-4fe9-9255-ec482fd671b0"},{"type":"text","content":"This bar is a must-visit on any tour of Budapest, and not just because of its popularity. It's a symbol of Budapest's unique nightlife culture and the epitome of local creativity. Have you ever wondered what makes this bar so unique compared to other structures? Well, it's precisely its unconventional setup and its ability to create an atmosphere that is both casual and lively, perfect for socializing and mingling with locals.\n\nTake your time to fully experience this bar, from the quirky interior decor to the lively crowd. You never know who you might meet here or what great music you might hear. If you're looking for a unique souvenir or gift, don't forget to stop by the souvenir shop located in the back garden.\n\n"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2Fx.jpg?alt=media&token=c01b63c2-0dc3-4362-a791-18377ebf7207"},{"type":"text","content":"Alright, if you're done exploring Szimpla Kert, let's move on to the next stop on our adventure through the hidden gems and highlights of Budapest, Hungary. Remember to take your time and soak up the atmosphere before moving on to the next adventure!"},{"type":"text","content":"Opening HOurs:\nFriday 3 pm–4 am\nSaturday 12 pm–4 am\nSunday 9 am–3:30 am\nMonday 3 pm–4 am\nTuesday 3 pm–4 am\nWednesday 3 pm–4 am\nThursday 3 pm–4 am\n\nFree Entry\n\n"},{"type":"link","title":"Official Website","content":"https://szimpla.hu/"}]},{"address":"St. Stephen's Basilica","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1161718275106547,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":47.50087836733084,"longitude":19.054009749999974},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# **St. Stephen's Basilica, Budapest, Hungary**"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F222.jpg?alt=media&token=e76e4fc2-d3b6-4023-9fb9-8730427d8f8e"},{"type":"text","content":"Welcome to St. Stephen's Basilica, one of the most impressive structures in Budapest. Did you know that it took over 50 years, from 1851 to 1905, to complete this towering holy place? It was worth it because it is a true masterpiece of neoclassical architecture.\n\nAs a famous Hungarian architect once said,\n\n"},{"type":"text","content":"**\"The hand that has made St. Stephen's Dome is almighty.\"**"},{"type":"text","content":"Standing here today, I can feel the majesty of the building. It’s truly breathtaking!"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F22.jpg?alt=media&token=0ee77200-19dc-4f1b-9aae-2d2f10cd0094"},{"type":"text","content":"As you look around, notice how the building is oriented towards the beautiful Danube River. This was done intentionally to make it more accessible for sailors to see and appreciate its beauty from their boats. It’s just one of the many thoughtful details that make St. Stephen's Basilica unique.\n\nI remember coming here as a child with my grandmother. She would always light candles and make a wish for her family's health and happiness. The tradition remains alive as many of the visitors still light candles and pray in one of the side chapels.\n\nTake a moment to appreciate the graceful facade of the building, but make sure you also enter the basilica to see the ornate decorations and artwork inside. I suggest going up to the top of the dome to enjoy breathtaking panoramic views of Budapest.\n\n"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F2.jpg?alt=media&token=30203916-f5e8-4411-89da-d8d79e6f3aa1"},{"type":"text","content":"St. Stephen's Basilica is a true treasure of Budapest, and I'm so excited to share it with you. Okay, if you are done here, let's move on to our next stop on the tour."},{"type":"text","content":"Opening Hours :\nThe Church is open from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. On Saturdays it stays open from 9am to 1pm, while on Sundays from 1pm to 5pm."},{"type":"link","title":"Location","content":"https://goo.gl/maps/n3nBKbwtHnPa6q7Z6"}]},{"address":"Dinner & Cruise Budapest","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1161718275106547,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":47.500256617330464,"longitude":19.049211750000026},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# **Gourmet Delights on Water!**"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F640px-River_cruise_ships_on_the_Danube_in_Budapest.jpg?alt=media&token=3616f312-1ca7-4f4e-89b7-87790e426066"},{"type":"text","content":"Welcome to Dinner & Cruise Budapest! Are you ready to embark on a journey unlike any other? In front of us, you will find the Danube River, a famous landmark of Budapest that truly captures the spirit of the city. Did you know that the Danube is the second longest river in Europe and one of the few rivers that passes through so many important cities? As a local guide, I am excited to show you a unique experience that only few visitors get to enjoy.\n\nAs a famous local once said,\n\n"},{"type":"text","content":"**\"The Danube is not just a river, it is a symbol of European unity and cooperation\"**"},{"type":"text","content":"– and they couldn't be more right. The stunning views, delicious cuisine, and entertainment onboard will leave you in awe. I encourage you to make the most of every moment and embrace the spirit of Budapest on this Dinner & Cruise."},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2FBudapest_River_Cruise_-_panoramio.jpg?alt=media&token=3d18648e-d5ca-42d8-9646-1d62ecf8b417"},{"type":"text","content":"As an avid traveler, I've had the pleasure of exploring many countries and cities, and I can assure you the Dinner & Cruise experience is one like no other. I remember my first time taking a Dinner & Cruise tour, and it quickly became one of my top travel experiences. The combination of great food, fantastic views, and live entertainment will leave you with unforgettable memories."},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F20130612_Budapest_81.jpg?alt=media&token=714302f5-4b07-4eb9-a661-7d62a2ca01ae"},{"type":"text","content":"So take your time, enjoy the scenery, and don't forget to take pictures! If you're ready to move on, let's head to our next stop and continue our journey exploring the hidden gems and highlights of Budapest."},{"type":"text","content":"Opening Hours\nFriday 8 am–10 pm\nSaturday 8 am–10 pm\nSunday 8 am–10 pm\nMonday 8 am–10 pm\nTuesday 8 am–10 pm\nWednesday 8 am–10 pm\nThursday 8 am–10 pm"},{"type":"link","title":"Location","content":"https://goo.gl/maps/ziZhaf7NbukTJtWg7"}]},{"address":"Széchenyi Chain Bridge","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1161718275106547,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":47.4990147173297,"longitude":19.043892250000017},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# **Széchenyi Chain Bridge, Budapest, Hungary**"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F555.jpg?alt=media&token=f690a2ac-547b-4092-a5b3-2dd2621e33e0"},{"type":"text","content":"Hello and welcome to the Széchenyi Chain Bridge, one of the most iconic landmarks in Budapest. Can you guess how long it took to complete this impressive structure? 18 years! That's right, construction on the Széchenyi Chain Bridge began in 1839 and was completed in 1857.\n\nAs the famous Hungarian poet Petőfi once said,\n\n"},{"type":"text","content":"**\"The Chain Bridge is not only a suspension bridge ... it is a work of art and a symbol, the strongest chain which connects Buda and Pest.\"**"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F55.jpg?alt=media&token=8e091154-efea-4ccd-9de7-0394b44138f1"},{"type":"text","content":"Standing here, right in front of us, you can feel the history beneath your feet. The bridge has witnessed countless events throughout the years, including several tragic ones like its destruction during World War II and the attempted bombing of the bridge during the Hungarian Revolution in 1956.\n\nBut this landmark has stood the test of time and been rebuilt and renovated over the years. It's truly a symbol of unification and progress, connecting the two halves of our beautiful city.\n\nAs a local tour guide, I have a personal story to share. When I was a child, my grandparents used to take me on walks across the bridge, telling me stories about its history and significance. It's a tradition that I cherish to this day and that's why I love sharing this stop with visitors. I hope you take the time to appreciate the stunning views of the Danube River and the surrounding cityscape.\n\n"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F5.jpg?alt=media&token=5bcd7a11-2525-4099-ae65-e29d84e9a13f"},{"type":"text","content":"Now, take a moment to look around and soak in the beauty of the Széchenyi Chain Bridge. And when you're ready, let's move on to the next stop on our tour of Budapest's hidden gems and highlights."},{"type":"text","content":"Opening Hours:\nAll time"},{"type":"link","title":"About","content":"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sz%C3%A9chenyi_Chain_Bridge"}]},{"address":"Buda Castle","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1161718275106547,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":47.497087929705046,"longitude":19.038862449999996},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# **Buda Castle, Budapest, Hungary**"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F333.JPG?alt=media&token=98618eae-e1ea-4fae-921f-c8e3081815a5"},{"type":"text","content":"Welcome to Buda Castle! In front of us, you'll see a magnificent castle that has stood the test of time. Can you guess how long it took to build this castle? Over 200 years! That's right, it was built between the 13th and 18th century.\n\nI bet you didn't know that Buda Castle was once the residence of Hungarian kings and queens. It was a symbol of power and prestige and hosted many important events throughout history.\n\n"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F33.jpg?alt=media&token=53446ce1-4009-49a3-bd58-235e52cca129"},{"type":"text","content":"As a local guide, it's my pleasure to show you all the hidden gems and secret stories of this area. Did you know that during World War II, Buda Castle was severely damaged and underwent an extensive renovation that lasted a decade?\n\nBut it's not all about the past, there are plenty of modern amenities to enjoy as well. Take your time and explore the many shops and restaurants surrounding the castle. I recommend trying some traditional Hungarian cuisine, like beef goulash or chimney cake.\n\nIn the words of a famous Hungarian poet,\n\n"},{"type":"text","content":"**\"Buda Castle is not just a building, it's a symbol of our heritage and history.\"**"},{"type":"text","content":"Let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of this landmark and the stunning views of the Danube river."},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F3.jpg?alt=media&token=b8b45425-9b36-4cef-be27-4f3d712a506c"},{"type":"text","content":"When you're ready, we'll move on to the next stop on our tour. Enjoy the rest of your journey through the hidden gems and highlights of Budapest."},{"type":"text","content":"Opening Hours:\nTuesday to Sunday from 10.00 to 18.00. The History Museum is open everyday except on Mondays. During autumn and winter months the palace closes at 16.00 rather than at 18.00."},{"type":"link","title":"About","content":"https://budacastlebudapest.com/open/"}]},{"address":"Fisherman's Bastion","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1161718275106547,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":47.50181576733141,"longitude":19.03464505000001},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# **Fisherman's Bastion, Budapest, Hungary**"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F111.jpg?alt=media&token=aaef6c05-cb40-4777-a9a6-b1fe6711068e"},{"type":"text","content":"Surprising fact:\nI bet you didn't know that Fisherman's Bastion used to be a meeting place for fishermen and food merchants! Back in the day, this beautiful structure served as a meeting place for traders to discuss their latest catch and sell their goods.\n\nMemorable quote:\nThere's a saying that goes,\n\n"},{"type":"text","content":"**\"Budapest is a beautiful city built upon rich history.\"**"},{"type":"text","content":"Fisherman's Bastion is a prime example of this, with its intricate architecture and significant cultural importance."},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F11.jpg?alt=media&token=393d8683-3050-4b41-94ec-4de048133c14"},{"type":"text","content":"Hello there and welcome to the magnificent Fisherman's Bastion, a stunning landmark in the heart of Budapest. In front of us stands a beautiful neo-Gothic and neo-Romanesque structure that was built in the late 19th century, offering breathtaking views of the Danube River and the surrounding cityscape.\n\nBut what truly makes this stop special is its rich history and culture. Fisherman's Bastion was originally built to commemorate the fishermen who protected the Buda Castle in the Middle Ages. It's a prime example of Budapest's unique blend of Eastern and Western European culture.\n\nAs we look around, you'll see that this stop is the perfect combination of stunning architecture and fascinating history. The beautiful archways and intricate details make you feel as if you're exploring a fairytale castle, while learning about the cultural significance of this location paints a vivid picture of the past.\n\nSo take your time, explore every nook and cranny, and don't forget to snap some incredible photos! And if you're looking for insider tips, keep your eyes peeled for the hidden pathways and courtyards tucked away from the main areas.\n\n"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FbFIkel1MH8tPYKEMY0vd%2F1.jpg?alt=media&token=2047a784-c6f1-46e0-9bd2-4ed44adc3031"},{"type":"text","content":"Ready to move on? Let's head to our next stop and discover even more hidden gems around Budapest."},{"type":"text","content":"Opening Hours:\nFriday Open 24 hours\nSaturday Open 24 hours\nSunday Open 24 hours\nMonday Open 24 hours\nTuesday Open 24 hours Wednesday Open 24 hours Thursday Open 24 hours"},{"type":"link","title":"About","content":"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisherman%27s_Bastion"}]}]
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Meet Your Guide
Emmi Carlsson

Hi, I live to travel and love to show others all the unique places I've visited.

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