[{"address":"The Crabbe Hole","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1576617659073171,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.895179160669194,"longitude":151.27428120000002},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"formatted_address":"Poolside @ Bondi Icebergs, 1 Notts Ave, Bondi NSW 2026, Australia","types":["cafe","establishment","food","point_of_interest","restaurant","store"],"partial_match":true,"geometry":{"viewport":{"east":151.2756301802915,"south":-33.8965281302915,"north":-33.8938301697085,"west":151.2729322197085},"location":{"lng":151.274334,"lat":-33.89517},"location_type":"ROOFTOP"},"address_components":[{"types":["establishment","point_of_interest"],"short_name":"Poolside @ Bondi Icebergs","long_name":"Poolside @ Bondi Icebergs"},{"types":["street_number"],"short_name":"1","long_name":"1"},{"types":["route"],"short_name":"Notts Ave","long_name":"Notts Avenue"},{"types":["locality","political"],"short_name":"Bondi","long_name":"Bondi"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_2","political"],"short_name":"Waverley","long_name":"Waverley Council"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"short_name":"NSW","long_name":"New South Wales"},{"types":["country","political"],"short_name":"AU","long_name":"Australia"},{"types":["postal_code"],"short_name":"2026","long_name":"2026"}],"plus_code":{"compound_code":"473F+WP Bondi NSW, Australia","global_code":"4RRH473F+WP"},"place_id":"ChIJUe0dVputEmsRf32_S7bF8SQ"}},{"type":"link","title":"The Crabble Hole","content":"https://www.instagram.com/thecrabbehole/?hl=en"},{"type":"video","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FSnapSave.io-Bondi%20to%20Coogee%20Coastal%20Walk%2C%20Sydney%20_%20Flow-motion%20Hyperlapse-(1080p).mp4?alt=media&token=84b7e542-175a-4b60-a5f2-f54a2f20e939"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2F07be525ea853f848071d5f54ba406f58.jpg?alt=media&token=be653d26-b2ef-4a3f-becc-fb1680dd447c"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2F2a79485e8b846c876963b806e08d13d2.jpg?alt=media&token=c3fbc5d5-bc88-4aeb-8864-b1eca6a1207e"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2Fe79b84256531a68c8c055faab68ca276.jpg?alt=media&token=6f116fea-70b7-4e79-8cb1-fb2e800e9f93"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2Fd7ec39b0ad4f890a24b7b2ff18ae918e.jpg?alt=media&token=00f6633a-8231-4121-b4b9-f17487113627"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2F07b60a1faa212527524a820554ab3518.jpg?alt=media&token=f2fffc7a-ed3b-40fe-8612-7d5c49259d6c"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2F9dcb774419be794a0a86f676f57ff6a0.jpg?alt=media&token=64911292-16c5-4d35-a689-63572384f1e4"},{"type":"text","content":"Our first stop is breakfast at The Crabbe Hole, a must-visit cozy cafe situated in the Bondi Icebergs Winter Swimming Club. This is the perfect spot to grab a delicious breakfast before starting your full Bondi to Coogee walk. With breathtaking views of the iconic Bondi Icebergs pool and the ocean beyond, you can take a seat at one of the few tables available, both indoor or outdoor, depending on the weather.\n\nThe menu at The Crabbe Hole is concise yet delicious, featuring pastries and bread from Brickfields served with homemade jam and Pepe Saya butter, granola, toasties, a Croque Madame, and seasonal salads. What makes the coffee here stand out is its robust flavor - a standard coffee comes with a double espresso shot, and the house blend by Mothersky Coffee features some Australian-grown Arabica.\n\nWith a limited seating capacity, The Crabbe Hole creates a unique dining experience, accentuated by the stunning views of the surrounding ocean. So, before you start your Bondi to Coogee walk, come on over and indulge in simplicity at its best with a cup of strong coffee in hand and delicious food on your plate.\n\n"}]},{"address":"18 Notts Ave","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14321712068773834,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.89586543556545,"longitude":151.2744990770882},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# Bondi"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FBondi%20(3).jpg?alt=media&token=d767f4a1-3c08-4cf0-8009-223af1c62e57"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FBondi.jpg?alt=media&token=18844f6e-3c2c-4b2a-b036-ff233033b9ba"},{"type":"video","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FBondi.mp4?alt=media&token=c8008df7-02f8-4b0d-972b-49463efcd292"},{"type":"text","content":"Welcome to Bondi Beach, one of the most iconic and breathtaking stops on this walking tour. I bet you didn't know that this beach is considered the birthplace of Australian surfing. In the early 1900s, Duke Kahanamoku, a Hawaiian surfer, introduced surfing to Australia right here at Bondi Beach.\n\nNow, as we stand in front of the vast ocean in front of us, let me tell you about some of the unique features of Bondi Beach. Not only is it one of the most popular beaches in Australia, but it's also surrounded by some amazing restaurants and cafes. As a foodie, I can't recommend trying some of the local delicacies enough.\n\nBut let's not forget why we're here. Take a look around, and you'll see the beautiful sand and surf. The waves here are perfect for swimming, surfing, or even just relaxing on the beach. If you're feeling adventurous, I recommend taking a dip in the Icebergs ocean pool, just a short walk to the south. It's one of the most iconic swimming spots in the world.\n\nOne of my favourite things to do here is to watch the sunset over the water. It's a truly magical experience. And, if you're here during the summer months, there are often free concerts and festivals held right here on the beach.\n\nNow, as you explore this stop, take some time to appreciate the history and culture of the area. This beach has been a meeting place for Aboriginal people for thousands of years, and there is still evidence of their culture and history all around us.\n\nTake your time to explore the area and try to uncover some of the hidden gems of this amazing beach. And, when you're ready, we can move on to the next stop on our journey.\n\n"}]},{"address":"25 Kenneth St","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14321712068773834,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.89890658247723,"longitude":151.27622546107048},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# Arin's Point"},{"type":"video","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FBondi%20lookout.mp4?alt=media&token=2f461f93-a861-43bd-b2a8-8c83111929d8"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2F115884987_320407832664345_5057160199681211136_n.jpg?alt=media&token=c963ce01-c27b-49df-9edc-a17baef92d90"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FCharlotteCurd-2-scaled.jpg?alt=media&token=03614a2c-8a23-497a-8f80-067ff8b14fa2"},{"type":"text","content":"Welcome to Arin’s Point Lookout at Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia! Believe it or not, you are standing in one of the most iconic and breathtaking spots on the Bondi to Coogee Coastal Walk.\n\nAs you look out at the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean, can you guess how many people come here each year to take in this incredible view? More than 2 million visitors flock to Bondi Beach annually, making it one of the most visited tourist attractions in Australia.\n\nBut what makes Arin’s Point Lookout so unique compared to other landmarks, structures, or beaches in the area? Well, let me tell you that this is the perfect spot to capture that Instagram-worthy shot of the iconic Bondi Icebergs Club. In fact, this lookout point offers one of the best panoramic views of Bondi Beach and its surroundings, so don't forget to take a snap or two!\n\nAs you stand here, I can't help but be reminded of a quote by the famous Australian artist, Brett Whiteley, who once said, \"the greatest sublime beauty in Australia is Bondi Beach.\" And standing here, I couldn't agree more.\n\nNow, if you're done taking in the view, let's move on to the next stop on our Bondi to Coogee Coastal Walk. But before we go, be sure to look around and take in the natural beauty that surrounds us.\n\n"}]},{"address":"Viewfinder","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.10218818160659443,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.89925789104163,"longitude":151.2754535205434},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# Aboriginal Rock Engravings"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2Fa7097ee84a2fb5cf71c5b6972d9ba420a7aa3bee.jpg?alt=media&token=396b7147-ede3-4026-8eb8-32a85fd98c9d"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FTamarama_184.jpg?alt=media&token=4b6d6f93-be99-4812-b8f2-b067d7103fc7"},{"type":"text","content":"Description\n\nHello and welcome to North Bondi Rock Carvings! Believe it or not, the carvings you see before you are some of the oldest surviving examples of Aboriginal rock art in Sydney. As a local guide, I'm excited to share with you some of the secrets and hidden gems of this unique stop on your Bondi to Coogee coastal walk.\n\nThe carvings themselves are estimated to be around 4,000 years old and depict a range of animals and symbols that hold great cultural significance for the indigenous people of this land. These carvings were created by the Dharawal and Eora peoples who inhabited the area long before European settlement.\n\nOne thing I love about this stop is how it allows us to connect with history and nature in a very special way. As you look around, take in the stunning ocean views and imagine what it might have been like for the people who created these carvings all those years ago. It's a humbling and awe-inspiring experience.\n\nIf you're feeling adventurous, I highly recommend exploring the surrounding rock pools and hidden beaches. The clear blue waters are perfect for swimming or snorkeling, and you might even spot some marine life. Or, take a moment to sit and enjoy the ocean breeze while admiring the beautiful sandstone formations around you.\n\nBefore we move on to the next stop, take some time to absorb the rich history and beauty of North Bondi Rock Carvings. Okay, when you're ready, let's continue our journey along the Bondi to Coogee coastal walk.\n\n"},{"type":"text","content":"Aboriginal Story\n\nAt the start of time, all the people were animals that lived in another land and the best means of travel was by water. Some of the animals decided that it was time to go live in another country to find better hunting grounds.\n\nWhale, who was bigger than everyone else, owned the only canoe big enough to carry them all. Whale was not a friendly one and would not lend the canoe, so they got Starfish, Whale’s only friend, to help by doing something with him so they could sneak the canoe away.\n\nOne day Starfish said to Whale “You’ve got lots of mulas, let me clean them for you” and so Whale agreed.\n\nThey went to a sunny place on the rocks lying in the sun. Whale soon fell asleep and the other animals slipped away in his canoe. Koala, being the strongest, was the main rower.\n\nBut Whale woke up and was very angry with his friend Starfish and they had a fight. Starfish hit the whale on the top of the head and put a hole in it.\n\nWhale won the fight, beating poor starfish and throwing him to the bottom of the rock pool where we find him today. Whale then chased the other animals, swimming as fast as he could, spurting water out of the hole in his head. They reached land in what is now known as Port Kembla.\n\nBrolga then stamped a hole in the boat and it sunk. It can be seen at low tide in the harbour.\n\nWhale is still seen going up and down the coast today looking for his canoe, spurting water from the hole in his head.\n\nAs related by Beryl Timbery Beller, Dharawal elder.\n\n"}]},{"address":"1A Pacific Ave","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14321712068773834,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.89984652816235,"longitude":151.27074666045678},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# Tamarama Beach"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FTamarama.jpg?alt=media&token=59f1c7c0-5521-428c-81ca-311b6c1f024c"},{"type":"video","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FTamarama1.mp4?alt=media&token=4b0d333b-df5a-4226-a7f3-6bb5a6ca0742"},{"type":"text","content":"Welcome to Tamarama Beach, one of the most picturesque and unique beaches along the Bondi to Coogee Coastal walk. Believe it or not, this small cove was once known as a \"Glamarama\" for its popularity among the fashion-conscious elite.\n\nAs we stand here in front of this beautiful beach, I want to encourage you to take a moment and soak in the stunning views. The combination of golden sand, turquoise water, and rugged cliffs makes this beach a favorite among both locals and tourists alike.\n\nDid you know that Tamarama Beach has a fascinating history? Back in the early 1900s, it was a notorious location for shark attacks, and many people avoided swimming here. But that all changed in the 1920s, when the Tamarama Surf Life Saving Club was formed, making it one of the safest beaches in Sydney.\n\nIf you're feeling adventurous, I highly recommend taking a dip in the ocean. The waves here are perfect for bodyboarding, surfing, or simply taking a refreshing swim. If you're not keen on swimming, take a stroll along the sand and enjoy the scenery. There are plenty of photo opportunities to be had here, so make sure to snap some shots to remember your visit.\n\nAs we move on to the next stop on our tour, take a moment to appreciate the unique beauty of Tamarama Beach. And remember, this is just one of the many hidden gems waiting to be discovered along the Bondi to Coogee Coastal walk.\n\n"}]},{"address":"37W9+H5","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14321712068773834,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.90362268500924,"longitude":151.26788003252042},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# Bronte Beach"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FBronte%203.jpg?alt=media&token=c673fedc-b837-4687-acbf-8013ad45e96f"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FBronte.jpg?alt=media&token=1631f3e6-29ba-4293-9af5-4751ebe40cec"},{"type":"video","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FBronte.mp4?alt=media&token=d5ca7e19-a2c3-4f8c-ba82-e83c39ac78d0"},{"type":"text","content":"Welcome to Bronte Beach, one of the most picturesque stops on the Bondi to Coogee Coastal Walk. Believe it or not, Bronte Beach is more than just a pretty face. This beach has a rich history that dates back to the early 19th century.\n\nIn front of us, you'll see the sparkling turquoise waters of the ocean and the golden sands of the beach. But did you know that Bronte Beach is also home to one of the oldest surf lifesaving clubs in the world? The Bronte Surf Lifesaving Club was established in 1903, and since then, it has played an essential role in keeping beachgoers safe.\n\nAs we look around, you may also notice some stunning rock formations. Bronte Beach is well-known for its rocky outcrops, which create a unique and dramatic seascape. The rocks here are made up of sandstone, and they are a popular spot for rock fishing and exploring.\n\nIf you're feeling adventurous, I suggest taking a walk along the coastal path that leads to Bronte Park. The path provides fantastic views of the coastline, and it's also a great spot to do some whale watching during migration season.\n\nBefore we move on to the next stop, I want to remind you that there are public transport options available nearby, and parking is also available. Also, take your time to absorb all that Bronte Beach has to offer, when you're ready continue on our journey to Coogee.\n\n"}]},{"address":"504 Bronte Rd","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14321712068773834,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.905258959958566,"longitude":151.26916484701786},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# Bronte Baths"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FBronte3.jpg?alt=media&token=54d1c3a7-118f-44b1-af2b-70989714d206"},{"type":"video","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FBronte%20Baths.mp4?alt=media&token=649261b5-03dd-42c8-8ddf-28e176cf7129"},{"type":"text","content":"Welcome to Bronte Baths, one of the most unique and picturesque spots along the Bondi to Coogee Coastal Walk. Believe it or not, these ocean pools were first built over 100 years ago, and they have been a local favourite ever since.\n\nThe water here is crystal clear, and you can see schools of fish swimming beneath the surface. Take a deep breath and let the salty air fill your lungs. It's an invigorating feeling that's hard to describe.\n\nI bet you didn't know that Bronte Beach was once the site of a thriving Aboriginal community. This area was a significant meeting place for the Gadigal people, who were the traditional owners of the land. When the British arrived in the late 18th century, they brought disease and violence, which devastated the local population.\n\nBut today, we celebrate the resilience and culture of the Gadigal people, and you can see their influence all around us. Look out for the Aboriginal rock carvings and engravings that can be found along the coast.\n\nNow, let's get into the water! The Bronte Baths are perfect for a refreshing dip, especially on a hot summer day. There are showers and changing rooms nearby, and if you're feeling adventurous, you can swim out to the edge of the pool and look back at the beach. It's an incredible view that you won't forget.\n\nBefore we move on, I want to share a personal story with you. When I first came to Bronte Baths, I was surprised by how clear the water was. I couldn't resist jumping in, and I ended up spending the whole afternoon here. It's one of my favourite spots in Sydney, and I hope you feel the same way too.\n\nOkay, if you're done here, let's move on to the next stop. But take your time and enjoy the moment before we continue our journey.\n\n"}]},{"address":"Waverley Cemetery Lookout","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14321712068773834,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.90958560067319,"longitude":151.26935142076871},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# Waverley Cemetery"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FCementarty1.jpg?alt=media&token=3b789ad8-6bc6-462e-afbe-a417fce116b6"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FCementarty.jpg?alt=media&token=cba833bc-406b-48b0-ab82-7cf65b853f39"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FCementarty3.jpg?alt=media&token=4f5ffefe-0142-4905-a877-6f01d2516497"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FCementarty4.jpg?alt=media&token=824044d7-8278-43f9-bed3-0f1e23849247"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FCementarty5.jpg?alt=media&token=c1033f18-38d4-4359-a570-9faec66af261"},{"type":"video","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FCementary6.mp4?alt=media&token=04f240ea-b5ef-4554-bc1c-1702757346dd"},{"type":"place","content":{"formatted_address":"Unnamed Road, Clovelly NSW 2031, Australia","types":["establishment","point_of_interest"],"partial_match":true,"geometry":{"viewport":{"east":151.2707200802915,"south":-33.91094828029149,"north":-33.90825031970849,"west":151.2680221197085},"location":{"lng":151.2693711,"lat":-33.9095993},"location_type":"GEOMETRIC_CENTER"},"address_components":[{"types":["locality","political"],"short_name":"Clovelly","long_name":"Clovelly"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_2","political"],"short_name":"Waverley","long_name":"Waverley Council"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"short_name":"NSW","long_name":"New South Wales"},{"types":["country","political"],"short_name":"AU","long_name":"Australia"},{"types":["postal_code"],"short_name":"2031","long_name":"2031"}],"plus_code":{"compound_code":"37R9+5P Clovelly NSW, Australia","global_code":"4RRH37R9+5P"},"place_id":"ChIJXZeQhHSzEmsRir3JzxRfLZs"}},{"type":"text","content":"Welcome to the Waverley Cemetery Lookout! Did you know that this cemetery is actually one of the most scenic cemeteries in the world? As you look out over the ocean, you can see why it's become such a popular spot for visitors and locals alike.\n\nOne of the unique features of this stop is the breathtaking view of the coastline, which you can take in from this very spot. I love coming here in the mornings to watch the sunrise, or in the evenings to catch the sunset. It's a truly magical experience.\n\nBut, there's more to this cemetery than just the view. It's actually the final resting place of many notable Australians, including the famous poet Henry Lawson and the former Prime Minister Sir John Robertson. You can learn more about their lives and contributions to Australia's history by exploring the cemetery.\n\nAs we look around, you might notice the mix of different headstones and monuments, showcasing the cultural diversity of the people buried here. It's a reflection of the multicultural society that Sydney has become, and a testament to the important role that the cemetery plays in our community.\n\nIf you're interested in exploring more of the cemetery, I highly recommend taking a walk through some of the historic areas, like the Jewish section or the Chinese section. These areas have unique features that showcase the diversity and history of our city.\n\nWhen you're done here, continue on the Bondi to Coogee Coastal walk to explore more of Sydney's natural beauty. Don't forget to take your time and enjoy everything that this stop has to offer before moving on to the next one.\n\n"}]},{"address":"The Geoff James Pool (Clovelly Ocean Pool)","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14321712068773834,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.91420867612778,"longitude":151.26694863077705},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# Clovelly Ocean Poll"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FClovelly%203.jpg?alt=media&token=cfade117-4aae-462a-a4fd-41ceb8abb4af"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FClovelly%204.jpg?alt=media&token=d6b7359a-b5c3-44da-bdf7-b8f9563f6a1a"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2Fclovelly4.jpg?alt=media&token=e58fcd4d-8d3e-45e2-9b1c-bd094ba18f72"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FClovely%204.jpg?alt=media&token=5db56bf8-44ce-46c8-9948-acaff956f391"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FClovely%205.jpg?alt=media&token=6915665d-2487-4a4d-9eb3-8772575d8025"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FClovely1.jpg?alt=media&token=e8a7648b-13b4-4a41-8628-e7e42ca63182"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FClovely2.jpg?alt=media&token=8b8567aa-5b63-47c8-95ca-a02722857ded"},{"type":"video","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FClovely4.mp4?alt=media&token=078db1b8-bff0-4dfb-be8f-87935dd8aa84"},{"type":"place","content":{"formatted_address":"Clovelly Road, Clovelly NSW 2031, Australia","types":["establishment","point_of_interest"],"partial_match":true,"geometry":{"viewport":{"east":151.2683377802915,"south":-33.9155632802915,"north":-33.9128653197085,"west":151.2656398197085},"location":{"lng":151.2669888,"lat":-33.9142143},"location_type":"GEOMETRIC_CENTER"},"address_components":[{"types":["locality","political"],"short_name":"Clovelly","long_name":"Clovelly"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_2","political"],"short_name":"City of Randwick","long_name":"City of Randwick"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"short_name":"NSW","long_name":"New South Wales"},{"types":["country","political"],"short_name":"AU","long_name":"Australia"},{"types":["postal_code"],"short_name":"2031","long_name":"2031"}],"plus_code":{"compound_code":"37P8+8Q Clovelly NSW, Australia","global_code":"4RRH37P8+8Q"},"place_id":"ChIJX5xh32-yEmsRnXc-FXyJx7Q"}},{"type":"text","content":"Welcome to the Geoff James Pool, also known as the Clovelly Ocean Pool. Believe it or not, this pool is one of the most unique swimming spots in all of Sydney.\n\nAs you stand here looking out at the ocean, can you guess what makes this pool so special? It's not just any regular swimming pool, it's actually a natural rock pool that has been hewn out of the ocean's rock shelf. This means that it's filled with salt water from the ocean, so you can swim and experience the waves just like you would in the open water.\n\nThe Geoff James Pool is named after a local legend who used to swim in these waters every day, no matter the weather. As Geoff once said, \"The ocean is my life, and this pool is my sanctuary\". The pool was built in the 1880s as a safe place for local swimmers to enjoy the ocean without the dangers of strong currents.\n\nIn front of us, you can see the pool's unique shape - it's not a typical rectangular pool but rather a natural shape created by the ocean's movements. The pool is perfect for swimming, snorkeling, or just soaking up the sun.\n\nIf you're feeling adventurous, I recommend climbing up to the top of the cliffs on either side of the pool for some incredible views of the ocean. Just be sure to take care and watch your step.\n\nAs we continue on our Bondi to Coogee Coastal Walk, take your time to explore the Geoff James Pool and soak up the atmosphere of this unique location. When you're ready, we'll move on to the next stop on our journey.\n\n"}]},{"address":"3A Gordon Ave","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14321712068773834,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.91476557936106,"longitude":151.26101421595897},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# Gordons Bay"},{"type":"video","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FGordons%20bay%20rock%20side.mp4?alt=media&token=d25a5fc2-1bf3-4ce6-84ea-898e78896933"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FGordans%20bay%20rock%20side.jpg?alt=media&token=cf4341a3-1508-4895-bb2b-bd05f7469dcb"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FGordons%20bay%204.jpg?alt=media&token=c9528510-0669-4147-893a-4c4322d39739"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FGordons%20Bay.jpg?alt=media&token=62c2ba94-e101-458a-8033-be363fed9ee0"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FGordons%20Bay1.jpg?alt=media&token=01f1fd52-f8f9-42d4-8483-95614ad967a0"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FGorsdons%20bay%202.jpg?alt=media&token=029da051-8df4-41cf-80c8-b0a2bccf5516"},{"type":"text","content":"Welcome to Gordons Bay, one of the hidden gems of Sydney's Eastern Suburbs. Did you know that Gordons Bay is one of the best snorkelling spots in Sydney? Believe it or not, you can find over 100 species of fish and marine creatures here. It's truly a unique experience to see such an array of marine life in the heart of the city.\n\nAs we stand here at Gordons Bay, I can't help but wonder, have you ever wondered what it's like to stand in the footsteps of history? The bay was named after one of the earliest landowners in the area, Robert Gordon. The area was once used for smuggling, and in the late 19th century, it became a popular spot for picnics and leisure activities.\n\nIf you're up for an adventure, why not take a dip and explore the underwater world of Gordons Bay. With clear water and a variety of marine life, it's an experience you won't want to miss. But be sure to take extra precautions and enter the water only at the designated areas.\n\nOne of the things that makes Gordons Bay so unique compared to other beaches is its natural beauty. The bay is surrounded by rock formations and rugged cliffs, which make for stunning views and photo opportunities. It's no surprise that it's a popular spot for wedding and fashion photography."},{"type":"text","content":"\nNow, take your time to look around and soak in the natural beauty of Gordons Bay. If you're up for a challenge, go for a swim or snorkel. Or simply sit back, relax, and enjoy the stunning views. When you're ready, we can move on to the next stop on our Bondi to Coogee Coastal Walk.\n\n"}]},{"address":"Coogee Rainbow Walkway","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.14321712068773834,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.92082758699063,"longitude":151.25726252745164},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"# Coogee"},{"type":"place","content":{"formatted_address":"175-249R Arden St, Coogee NSW 2034, Australia","types":["establishment","point_of_interest"],"geometry":{"viewport":{"east":151.2584141302915,"south":-33.92220633029149,"north":-33.9195083697085,"west":151.2557161697085},"location":{"lng":151.25727,"lat":-33.9208837},"location_type":"ROOFTOP"},"address_components":[{"types":["street_number"],"short_name":"175-249R","long_name":"175-249R"},{"types":["route"],"short_name":"Arden St","long_name":"Arden Street"},{"types":["locality","political"],"short_name":"Coogee","long_name":"Coogee"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_2","political"],"short_name":"City of Randwick","long_name":"City of Randwick"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"short_name":"NSW","long_name":"New South Wales"},{"types":["country","political"],"short_name":"AU","long_name":"Australia"},{"types":["postal_code"],"short_name":"2034","long_name":"2034"}],"plus_code":{"compound_code":"37H4+JW Coogee NSW, Australia","global_code":"4RRH37H4+JW"},"place_id":"ChIJ5QqktmqyEmsRLRhnzwLwv34"}},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FIMG_20200801_151020.jpg?alt=media&token=f74ee073-02cc-4565-abe0-d8cad5288526"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2FRandwick_Rainbow-walkway-drone-photo-1_supplied.jpg?alt=media&token=f4287f1f-087a-4a56-8382-033376191a27"},{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2FEpYJZubgdZo6RI6NPNlc%2Fmaxresdefault%20(1).jpg?alt=media&token=dcff8189-97a0-426f-a0d7-4a030a0ed9b3"},{"type":"text","content":"Hello there, welcome to the Coogee Rainbow Walkway, one of the most vibrant and colourful stops on the Bondi to Coogee Coastal Walk. Believe it or not, this stunning walkway was once a simple concrete footpath, but it was transformed into a rainbow-hued attraction in 2017.\n\nThe transformation of the walkway was inspired by the marriage equality movement in Australia, and it was the first of its kind in the country. As a local, I am incredibly proud of the progress we have made towards equality, and the Coogee Rainbow Walkway is a tangible representation of that progress.\n\nAs we stand here on this vibrant walkway, I invite you to take a moment and look around. Can you see the colourful handprints and messages of love and support etched into the pavement? These messages were added by members of the community during the walkway's transformation and serve as a reminder of the importance of love and acceptance.\n\nAs you walk along the path, I encourage you to take some time to explore the surrounding area. The walkway connects to several beaches, cafes, and parks, making it the perfect spot for a leisurely stroll. You can also take advantage of the many photo opportunities along the way and capture some incredible memories.\n\nIf you plan to continue walking, I recommend taking some time to grab a bite to eat or relax.\n\nRemember to take your time and enjoy the area's unique features, including stunning views and natural beauty.\n\nThis is our final stop on the walk, thank you for joining me on this great walk and I hope you have a great day.\n\n"}]}]
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