Birds of Australia STORYBOX
[{"address":"Port Macquarie Museum","ttsFile":"","placeId":"ChIJQ_DkaCj_nWsR5funNyAMw80","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.16350109057055107,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-31.429137459704464,"longitude":152.91007104999994},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"Can you find the bird poster?"},{"ttsForStop":false,"type":"audio","content":""},{"type":"img","content":""},{"type":"text","content":"Check around your location, find the poster (image is a hint), and record the Gathang language name. There are 10 posters, one at each stop on this tour."},{"type":"text","content":"To go into the draw to win a prize, send all 10 Gathang language bird names to the email in the guide introduction at the start of this tour."}]},{"address":"Port Central","ttsFile":"","placeId":"ChIJzYbRLCb_nWsRg5I8LbJFdAE","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.16350109057055107,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-31.43005975970482,"longitude":152.90922694999998},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"Can you find the bird poster?"},{"ttsForStop":false,"type":"audio","content":""},{"type":"img","content":""},{"type":"text","content":"Check around your location, find the poster (image is a hint), and record the Gathang language name. There are 10 posters, one at each stop on this tour.\n\nTo go into the draw to win a prize, send all 10 Gathang language bird names to the email in the guide introduction at the start of this tour.\n\n"}]},{"address":"Glasshouse","ttsFile":"","placeId":"ChIJl6sUdyj_nWsRXFeamtywaO8","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.16350109057055107,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-31.429218909704517,"longitude":152.90893075},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"Can you find the bird poster?"},{"ttsForStop":false,"type":"audio","content":""},{"type":"img","content":""},{"type":"text","content":"Check around your location, find the poster (image is a hint), and record the Gathang language name. There are 10 posters, one at each stop on this tour.\n\nTo go into the draw to win a prize, send all 10 Gathang language bird names to the email in the guide introduction at the start of this tour.\n\n"}]},{"address":"Collins Booksellers Port Macquarie","ttsFile":"","placeId":"ChIJFRaZIYz_nWsRisuc0oiE58E","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.16350109057055107,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-31.42935860970453,"longitude":152.90745655},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"Can you find the bird poster?"},{"type":"img","content":""},{"type":"text","content":"Check around your location, find the poster (image is a hint), and record the Gathang language name. There are 10 posters, one at each stop on this tour.\n\nTo go into the draw to win a prize, send all 10 Gathang language bird names to the email in the guide introduction at the start of this tour.\n\n"},{"ttsForStop":false,"type":"audio","content":""}]},{"address":"Mid Pacific Motel","ttsFile":"","placeId":"ChIJPVt0tCf_nWsRmIGcbP8ZC88","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.16350109057055107,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-31.42887650970437,"longitude":152.90683654999998},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"Can you find the bird poster?"},{"type":"img","content":""},{"type":"text","content":"Check around your location, find the poster (image is a hint), and record the Gathang language name. There are 10 posters, one at each stop on this tour.\n\nTo go into the draw to win a prize, send all 10 Gathang language bird names to the email in the guide introduction at the start of this tour.\n\n"},{"ttsForStop":false,"type":"audio","content":""}]},{"address":"Breakwall HQ","ttsFile":"","placeId":"ChIJ1z6SLYn_nWsRSUrgPbDHcfA","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.16350109057055107,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-31.42776395970394,"longitude":152.9167601},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"Can you find the bird poster?"},{"ttsForStop":false,"type":"audio","content":""},{"type":"text","content":"Check around your location, find the poster (image is a hint), and record the Gathang language name. There are 10 posters, one at each stop on this tour.\n\nTo go into the draw to win a prize, send all 10 Gathang language bird names to the email in the guide introduction at the start of this tour.\n\n"},{"type":"img","content":""}]},{"address":"Port Macquarie Library","ttsFile":"","placeId":"ChIJ9eG3Byz_nWsRsZqnXtVLjeU","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.16350109057055107,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-31.433687209706175,"longitude":152.91512135000002},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"Can you find the bird poster?"},{"ttsForStop":false,"type":"audio","content":""},{"type":"text","content":"Check around your location, find the poster (image is a hint), and record the Gathang language name. There are 10 posters, one at each stop on this tour.\n\nTo go into the draw to win a prize, send all 10 Gathang language bird names to the email in the guide introduction at the start of this tour.\n\n"},{"type":"img","content":""}]},{"address":"PCYC Port Macquarie","ttsFile":"","placeId":"ChIJ3bf1ZZv_nWsRnuZ4M8nhq9Y","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.16350109057055107,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-31.43231055970567,"longitude":152.91978654999997},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"Can you find the bird poster?"},{"type":"img","content":""},{"type":"text","content":"Check around your location, find the poster (image is a hint), and record the Gathang language name. There are 10 posters, one at each stop on this tour.\n\nTo go into the draw to win a prize, send all 10 Gathang language bird names to the email in the guide introduction at the start of this tour.\n\n"},{"ttsForStop":false,"type":"audio","content":""}]},{"address":"Bensons Barbershop","ttsFile":"","placeId":"ChIJyX2XgCz_nWsRMd_4fwEtse4","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.16350109057055107,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-31.43472360970656,"longitude":152.91765635000002},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"Can you find the bird poster?"},{"type":"text","content":"Check around your location, find the poster (image is a hint), and record the Gathang language name. There are 10 posters, one at each stop on this tour.\n\nTo go into the draw to win a prize, send all 10 Gathang language bird names to the email in the guide introduction at the start of this tour.\n\n"},{"ttsForStop":false,"type":"audio","content":""},{"type":"img","content":""}]},{"address":"Mrs Yorks Garden","ttsFile":"","placeId":"ChIJe3nOouj_nWsRHjKtXDAFt5c","location":{"longitudeDelta":0.16350109057055107,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-31.428863009704358,"longitude":152.91446035},"media":[{"type":"text","content":"Can you find the bird poster?"},{"type":"img","content":""},{"type":"text","content":"Check around your location, find the poster (image is a hint), and record the Gathang language name. There are 10 posters, one at each stop on this tour.\n\nTo go into the draw to win a prize, send all 10 Gathang language bird names to the email in the guide introduction at the start of this tour.\n\n"},{"ttsForStop":false,"type":"audio","content":""}]}]
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Welcome to the Port Macquarie Hastings Region. We hope that during your visit, our insider recommendations and curated tours helps you find your way around some of our top locations, attractions, and local businesses. Enjoy!
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